A Beginner’s Guide to Home Management

A Beginner’s Guide to Home Management

How was your household when you were growing up? Most kids have fond memories of a tidy home, where everything has its place and things seem to run like clockwork, yet the truth is, it takes a lot of planning and delegation to manage a large family home. There’s a first time for everything and if you are the proud owner of your first home, you have come to the right place, as we offer some invaluable advice.

Know your limits

Of course, you can change a plug and unblock a kitchen sink, but knowing when to call in a pro is something you learn over time. There’s little more embarrassing than having to call out one of Sydney’s best plumbers & electricians to sort out the problem after you made it worse. If you have zero experience, it isn’t worth chancing your hand, besides, things like gas and electricity are dangerous! We recommend you pre-source the following trades:

  • Emergency plumber
  • Electrician
  • Drain cleaner
  • Roofing contractor
  • Small builder
  • Locksmith

Store the numbers in your smartphone and you are equipped to deal with any emergency; do check that the provider doesn’t charge a call-out fee, some do, some don’t.

Prompt repairs

Buildings degenerate as time passes ad if there’s one constant, it is that small repairs soon become major if left unaddressed; a missing roof tile might not sound like an issue but a heavy downpour is all it takes to cause serious damage. Think of the proverb, “A stitch in time saves nine” and carry our remedial work as soon as is practically possible. Click here for tips on changing a water heater.

Regular inspections

Ask any seasoned property owner and they will confirm that regular inspections should be carried out, both inside and out. This is a proactive approach to building management, rather than simply waiting for things to go wrong, plus it keeps repair costs down.

Delegate household chores

Children should be given age-appropriate chores to do; the sooner you introduce responsibility, the better. Taking the trash out, tidying their room, doing the washing, gardening, the list is long and with a supportive partner, there isn’t much you can’t handle.

Quality materials & workmanship

When carrying out remedial work, it is wise to use quality materials that will stand the test of time, while hiring tradesmen of the best quality is another must. If you are a DIY-er with a full set of tools, you can accomplish a lot, especially if you watch YouTube videos that show a process step by step. You can build a house with zero experience by watching ‘How to’ videos; people have successfully done this time and time again!

So, there you have it, home management for beginners; if you are planning home improvement projects, talk to local companies who are capable of completing your project.

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