If you are a first-timer buying a hair wig, then definitely a lot of questions are popping into your head. What kind of wig do you need? What type is the best for your head? What style would suit you the most? What kind of material should the wig be made of? Should the wig look more or less natural? And many more.
But you should not worry at all, cuz we have collected some tips into a simple guide that can help you on the way to finding the best hair wig for you.
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It is easy when you know what the style of your wig should look like, whether that’s a curly afro style or just a straight blonde medium hair wig. The options are limitless. A dyeing hair in your favorite color, or a natural human hair wig, just name it, you can get every style with wig nowadays. Since the hair loss started to appear in many people, the hair wig industry has double increased in size, leaving us with tons of styles to choose from.
Maybe the hairstyle is important, but you can’t pick a hairstyle before picking the wig type, or even more importantly the material what is it made of. First, you need to decide if you’re going for a synthetic version or a more natural human-looking wig. That’s up to you.
The shininess is different, the grooming is different, even the feeling you have when wearing it is also different. After you decide on the natural or synthetic version, the next you should consider is the type of wig. Whether that is going to be a headband wig, made easy to attach to the head, or some of your hair, or an HD lace wig, with a fine lace as a perfect base for the wig, making it feel more comfortable to wear.
Before you start your wig buying journey, there are a few preparations you need to make, like measure yourself. Your head may be too small or too big for the wig you like the most. After all, you don’t need an embarrassment because of your wig slipping off. Or a headache because of a tight hair wig you through a lot of money on. Choosing the right size matters. And hair wigs do have different sizes. All you need to do is to put a soft tape measure on the center of your forehead, let it cross behind your ears, all the way to the back of your neck.
This is not the only measurement you should do to choose the right size. Take the tape and measure it by making lines over the top of your head, across your forehead, on the nape of your neck, around the back of your head, and from your front to the back of the head. Now that you have precise measurements, it is easier to choose the right cap size, but don’t forget that sizes can vary from brand to brand.
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