The Qualities Of A Great Team

The Qualities Of A Great Team

As the old saying goes, there is no ‘I’ in ‘team’, you need to be able to set your personal needs aside temporarily in order to work closely with others to achieve the desired outcome. The fact that groups of people working together can accomplish wonders has long been established, just look at the Great Pyramids of Egypt, they weren’t thrown together over a weekend by one guy named Ali! An undertaking of that awesome scale required a lot of people working together engaged in planning, leadership, and you can be sure, teamwork!

Teams are one of the most important components of any human endeavour, and today’s businesses have begun to recognize that, which is why in person team building has become an essential feature of corporations large and small. The wiser company leaders understand that their businesses’ future is directly tied to the collective success of their teams of employees, and the individuals who work together to form those teams. Giving people a chance to practice and hone those skills, and build the cohesion and camaraderie of an effective team is what team building is all about!

So, what are the qualities of a great team?

Team Spirit 

Team spirit is the essential ingredient for engendering a work environment that is positive and supportive. Building bonds and mutual respect between your team members greatly improves job satisfaction, which in turn increases productivity! To create team spirit people must be given opportunities to get to know each other better, share their experiences, and build strong relationships. The organization of team-building activities like creating music together, playing sports, and having fun social gatherings will help to keep your team working together and loving it!


Creating a culture of appreciation and recognition helps teams to build close bonds of mutual support. By showing appreciation of your team’s successes, and recognizing their individual contributions within the team framework you will form a culture of honour and respect. It’s vital that each member of a team feel as if their skills and abilities are valued, that they have done a good job and have personally contributed to the team’s accomplishments. Reward your team’s successes with praise as well as tangible benefits like extra time off, or a fun weekend trip paid for by the company- the latter will also double as another chance to build your team’s bonds even stronger!


Good communication is essential to great teamwork, every member must be able to feel confident sharing ideas with their team members and managers in order to maintain a cohesive workflow. By effectively communicating with each other the plans for success are hatched and implemented by the team as a whole, so it’s crucial that team members be given an opportunity to provide input and have their voices heard. When everyone has communicated their thoughts successfully they can be evaluated by the team as a unit, with the resulting set of agreed-upon ideas providing the components needed to put together a winning strategy.

People who are members of a great team are proud, they care about each other and their team’s achievements! Those businesses that have effectively fostered dedicated teams are guaranteed to win!

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