How to Overcome Dental Anxiety

How to Overcome Dental Anxiety

Dental phobia is one of the most recognized problems that affect a significant number of people; it is characterized by the avoidance of dental appointments. Eradicating dental anxiety is essential for proper dental care; the first thing to do is to accept that you have fears and not hide them from your dentist, since they can provide treatment accordingly.

This is achieved through practices like deep breathing, visualizing, and practicing progressive muscle relaxation. Fortunately, dental offices in the today’s society encompass isolation gowns for patients who might have anxiety attacks during the dental procedures.

Below we discuss how to overcome dental anxiety. Fortunately, you can easily reach out to a Didcot dentist for more details.

Communicate with Your Dentist

One of the most recommended approaches to managing dental phobia is by expressing yourself to the dentist. First-time appointments make patients anxious because they are not sure of the processes that they will go through or the level of discomfort they are likely to endure.

However, communication helps you to ask your dentist burning questions; your dentist will go through all the stages of the process as well as illustrate it using models or pictures and then offer the best guidance.

Gradual Exposure and Familiarization

Familiarization and gradual exposure are important, as slowly easing the patient into the dental environment drastically reduces their anxiety. It is recommended to begin the process with a check-up appointment with no intention of getting any specific dental treatment to know what to expect.

During this visit, the focus should be on greeting the staff and getting to know them, as well as becoming more acquainted with the atmosphere of the workplace.

Relaxation Techniques and Mindfulness

Encouraging various relaxation methods and mindfulness is always helpful when dealing with dental phobia. Before and during the dental visit, deep breathing exercises, taking progressive muscle relaxation, or taking guided imagery helps in calming the mind and body.

Another type of meditation is mindfulness meditation, which entails directing your attention to the present moment without criticism; it also helps in lowering anxiety.

Seeking Professional Help

In last resort, people struggling with extreme dental phobia or those who cannot overcome their fear even with CBT help, should address a therapist or counselor. Hence, CBT is the most appropriate intervention when it comes to tackling dental anxiety.

CBT enables the patient to recognize and modify cognition and behaviors that are considered unpleasant when facing a dental visit. Cognitive restructuring, mentioned in the context of CBT, includes gradual exposure to the anxiety-provoking stimulus in a controlled setting so as strengthen patients’ tolerance over time.


Dental phobia may be conquered if the patient is willing to open up and talk to their dentist, slowly expose themselves to the sources of the anxiety, practice relaxation, and consult with a professional. When you can manage your fears and act in an appropriate way, then your dentist experience should switch from being a bad one to being a good one.

The above article has discussed how to overcome dental anxiety, and you can reach out for more information.