Why Do Kids Plates Have Sections?

Why Do Kids Plates Have Sections?

Shopping for kids’ crockery is an exciting yet hard task. With plenty of options available in the market including simple plastic plates, divided plates, bowls, glass plates, and pouches for purees, parents get confused in choosing the best option for their kids.

Out of all these options, divided plates or plates with sections is the first piece of crockery every child gets to have. Parents usually buy plates with sections just because they look cute. The sectioned plates are not much expensive and can be found almost everywhere. You can easily find a high-quality, durable, and attractive sectioned plate on https://www.weesprout.com/.

Majority of the parents are not aware of the benefits of plates with sections. They often question the logic behind sectioned plates. Here in this article, we will provide some of the reasons behind sections in kids’ plates, that will compel the parents to get it for their little one as soon as possible. Read below to find them out:

1.  To provide a balanced diet

A balanced diet is essential for the physical and mental health of kids. Sectioned plates are proved to be ideal for providing a balanced diet to kids. Sectioned plates make it easier for parents to provide their children with a balanced diet. Parents can place the food that is rich in proteins in one section, followed by the food that is rich in fiber in the next section, and so on. Doing this will assure the parents that their child is getting all the essential nutrients every day. Sectioned plates help in monitoring the diet of the kids.

2. To give the child independence

The other reason behind sectioned plates is that they make feeding time independent for the kid. The higher compartments of plates make it easier for kids to feed themselves on their own. The compartments are designed appropriately to make it easier for kids to spoon out rice, purees, soup, or other liquid diets. Also, the sections have made it possible for kids to eat food items like peas, chickpeas, and other such food items that are likely to get out of the plate easily on their own. All the parents who have tried plates with sections have agreed to the fact that these plates give the child freedom to feed himself or herself easily and save parents’ time.

3. To make it easier for kids to try new foods

Sectioned plates are found to help parents in making their children try new food. Kids are unlikely to give a new food a try when served on a simple plate. On the other hand, kids’ excitement associated with trying new food on one section of a plate, makes it easier for parents to introduce new food to their kids.

4. To develop motor skills

Trying food from different sections polishes the hand and eye coordination and motor skills of the kids. Parents urging the child to try food items simultaneously from different sections of the plate improves the motor and thinking skills of children. Also, the ease of spooning out food associated with sectioned plates improved the motor skills of kids. Many health experts also have suggested the use of sectioned plates for developing motor skills in the kid.

5. To make mealtime fun

You can make the feeding fun for your little one by playing games with the help of divided plates. Games like naming the food items on the plate or eating the item you have named are extremely popular. Sectioned plates come in different colors, with different designs, and characters, and hence make the kids happy and excited. You can gift your child a divided plate with a character that your child is a fan of and can make mealtime happier for them.

6. To get rid of messy mealtime

The compartments of sectioned plates prevent the mess created during mealtime. The higher compartments prevent spillage while scooping out food, hence are loved by parents all over the world.

7. To serve different food items at once

Another reason behind kids’ plates with sections is that it allows parents to serve different kinds of food at once. Parents can serve soup, finger food, fruits, and dessert everything at once while using a single portioned plate. Seeing different food items on one plate makes the kids excited. Also, the sectioned plates allow parents to give up on the use of extra utensils.

8. To help kids accept the disliked food items

Having different food items on one plate allows the kids to tolerate the food they don’t like. You can offer the food item that your kid doesn’t like with a combination of other items that your kid enjoys eating. Many parents have concluded that sectioned plates allow kids to eat food that they previously didn’t like when served using a simple plate.

9. They are convenient

Parents find it convenient and easy to feed their children using a sectioned plate. The sectioned plates are lightweight enough to be carried to parks or other picnic spots. Also, they are mostly dishwasher safe, so are easy to clean as well.

10. To help kids recognize different food items

One of the greatest reasons behind divided plates is that it allows the kids to differentiate between food items easily. Your kids will be able to name and differentiate food items when served separately using a sectioned plate.


In light of the above discussion, it is clear that the plates with sections are extremely beneficial for both parents and kids. However, the benefits can be reaped only when the sectioned plate is of good quality. So, parents need to choose a high-quality sectioned plate for their kids.  Not only does the low-quality sectioned plate make the food unsafe for the kid but is also non-durable.

Some other measures to take while using sectioned plates include proper cleanliness of the plates, ensuring that they are BPA-free, choosing a heat-resistant plate, and ensuring that the plastic used in the plate is approved and safe.