How to Control Wasps Naturally

How to Control Wasps Naturally

Although the ever-changing weather of Utah, the activity of insects has been ongoing. Another social insect basking under the warm sun and is related to the bees is the wasps. It is another insect to look out for, especially in this summer season, from July to August and September.

What is a Wasp?

A wasp is an insect with a not-so fuzzy body that is a quarter to an inch long with a narrow or an hourglass-shaped waist. It has either black or brown with yellow bands or sometimes red patterns in other species. They have a pair of wings and three pairs of legs. They have antennae. And they have mandibles that are chewing mouthparts to chew prey, other food sources, and even drywall.

Compared to a bee that feeds on pollen, a wasp nourishes itself with an insect. It is a natural pest control too. It also preys, consumes, and controls other insects. It is an undervalued but significant pollinator in the ecosystem. Reports say that farmers used it for crop pollination and protection. Hence, they are as vital as bees to sustain biodiversity properly.

Why are Wasps Considered Pests?

Wasps are pests because of their harmful stings and nesting choices. In Utah, there are four distinct species of wasps to bear in mind. These include the yellow jackets, hornets, paper wasps, and the tarantula hawk. Their stings contain venom that can cause mild to severe allergic reactions.

Moreover, wasps love building nests from gardens to woodlands. They build nests that can house up to 10,000 fellow wasps. They set them up on the ground made of wood fiber turned into pulp using their powerful mandibles. The more wasps there are, the more detrimental it is for you and your family.

What are the Ways to Keep Wasps Away?

Although wasps are considered social insects, they are not threatening unless provoked. There are five ways you can prevent wasps in your home and your garden. Be careful in executing these preventive measures by not attempting to swat or get too closer to a wasp or a wasp nest. These actions will aggravate the situation and may enrage the wasps. Unlike bees, they can sting you multiple times. Be calm and stay still as much as possible.

1. Build wasp traps.

Wasp traps work by using the best bait to lure the insects inside and eventually drown them. Colas, fruit juices, root beers, and sugar water are excellent baits in which the scent is irresistible to wasps.

Begin with cutting off the top of a 2-liter bottle. Then, place any enticing food at the bottom of the bottle and pour the bait. Insert the top cut part inside the bottom of the bottle. Finally, make sure to set your wasp trap in an area where wasp activity is recurrent or high.

Wasp traps are most effective with passing wasps. If you encounter an active hive or nest, it is best subjected to a wasp nest removal. Contact Bairds Pest Control for a wasp removal service today at an affordable cost.

2. Use essential oils.

According to the research of the Journal of Pest Management Science, clove, geranium, and lemongrass essential oils keep wasps away. Wasps are sensitive to aromatic and powerful odors that they won’t think twice about leaving your property.

Mix several drops of these oils with water and dish soap in a spray bottle. Spray your solution on possible nesting grounds such as any cracks and crevices, the ledges, porch roofs, sheds, and under eaves.

If the three are unavailable, peppermint oil is also a natural deterrent. Mix a tablespoon of it with 4 cups of water in a spray bottle.

On a side note, burning strong-smelling candles can repel wasps. Citronella is the best choice as it also keeps mosquitoes and bees away. If you are into planting and gardening, planting fragrant plants such as cloves, ground coffee, mint, or tomato can also fend them off.

3. Make use of soap and water.

If baits, traps, and essential oils may have been difficult to procure, the most available preventative measure you can opt for is the use of dishwater and soap. Aside from using it to clean your dishes, you can also use it as a repellent to clog the wasps’ breathing pores, which will kill them.

Mix 2 tablespoons of dish soap with water in a spray bottle. Similar to the essential oils spray, spray the soap and water mixture to likely nesting areas of wasps.

4. Block any cracks or gaps.

Sealing off any cracks or gaps is a preventive measure to keep the wasps from entering your domain in the first place. Doing so will intercept them from finding an entryway or entrance through cracks, crevices, gaps, or holes.

Use waterproof caulk to patch up any crevices or repair or replace any broken window screens. Remember to avoid closing holes or gaps where wasps have already built nests. It is essential to know that they will find another way to get in and out of your house by chewing, even drywall.

5. Dispose of waste properly.

It is crucial to ensure proper waste disposal. Any exposed waste in bins, compost, or recycling, can worsen the problems with wasps. Moreover, it will attract other insects, such as flies, because of the abundant left-over in the garbage.

Make it a point to seal any trash bins or cans tightly to ward off wasps to a probable food source.

What about Wasp Nest Removal?

Take into account never to kill a wasp. Wasps tend to release pheromones when threatened. These will attract their fellow wasps and be ready to take you on any time. If you stumble upon an active and large wasp hive in your property, call Bairds Pest Control to deal with these insects.

Bairds Pest Control is servicing in Utah for over 40 years. Our professional wasp exterminators will rid the wasps, hornets, or even yellowjackets. We use safe and eco-friendly treatments and methods to protect you, your family, and your property. Call us now for an onsite inspection.