10 Superfoods You Can’t Pass Up

10 Superfoods You Can’t Pass Up

Some foods are a storehouse of beneficial nutrients, and their regular appearance on your table will help prevent many diseases.

We’ve compiled a list of the healthiest foods to include in your diet. Most of them contain so many nutrients that it is sometimes worth turning a blind eye to their calorie content. This is not just-food. It is a unique combination of vitamins and microelements so necessary for our body.

List Of Superfoods Beneficial For Your Body

1- Eggs

Eggs are one of the most nutritious and complete foods on the planet. What’s in one egg? It contains 5-6 grams of high-quality protein with amino acids. Also, it is rich in vitamins, phosphorus, lutein, iron etc. Moreover, we get choline from eggs. It is a substance that provides vitamin B4, which is essential for normal liver, kidney, and brain function.

Moreover, due to its richness in minerals, doctors recommend it to drug addicts, especially alcoholics. As alcohol leads to a deficiency of necessary vitamins in the body, eggs are useful to help with the alcohol detox process.

Interesting Fact:

Earlier many people, fearing an increase in blood cholesterol levels, ate eggs without yolk. However, doctors say that this measure is unnecessary and it is pointless to get rid of the yolk because it is in it that all the nutrients are contained.

2- Garlic

Garlic also contains many bioactive compounds. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, because it lowers blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and may reduce the risk of stroke.

The most useful, of course, is the fresh plant. Those who care about high cholesterol levels should use finely chopped garlic in olive oil. You can also use “tincture” for a salad dressing or sauce for dishes.

Interesting Fact:

One of the active compounds in garlic – allicin – can destroy a type of bacteria that has learned to resist antibiotics and has become a serious threat to humans.

3- Liver

Since our distant ancestors were avid meat-eaters, we are genetically adapted to eating meat. Of course, they also ate by-products – the brain, kidneys, heart, and liver. They are rich sources of nutrients. And the liver is rightfully considered the most useful of the by-products.

The concentration of nutrients in the liver is exceptionally high, especially iron and vitamin B12 in it.

Interesting Fact:

Doctors recommend cooking at least one dish that contains liver at least once a week. It will dramatically increase your average intake of many nutrients your body needs.

4- Kale

Not many people now about nutritious value of Kale. You can eat it without worrying about calories. 100 grams of kale has vitamin K1, three times more than vitamin A, and twice as much as vitamin C.

Interesting Fact:

It contains biologically active compounds that help fight some types of cancer.

5- Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is considered by many to be the best vegetable oil. After all, it is almost entirely composed of saturated fat, which makes it resistant to high temperatures.

Ever imagine that oil can help you lose weight? Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides – ideal fats for weight loss that can speed satiety and boost metabolism. Of course, you should not abuse it in the hope of a miracle. You can benefit it with moderate use. They can be used to dress salads, sauces for hot dishes and pastries are prepared on its basis.

Interesting Fact:

The lauric acid in coconut oil kills bacteria and is effective in fighting other viruses.

6- Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is very nutritious and rich in potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron.

The vitamins and trace elements contained in sweet potatoes increase immunity. They prevent many eye diseases. Help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the gastric mucosa, preventing gastritis, and ulcers. Due to the high concentration of potassium, it is recommended for insomnia, neurosis, and chronic fatigue.

Interesting Fact:

The high fiber content of sweet potatoes is good for weight loss. Sweet potatoes fill you up quickly without harming your waist and hips. And its calorie content is low, which explains the appearance of sweet potatoes in diet recipes.

7- Seaweed

Many of us lack in iodine nutrient. Iodine is critical to thyroid health because the thyroid is involved in the regulation of metabolism and cell growth, so iodine deficiency can lead to a variety of diseases. How can this be prevented? Add more seafood to your diet, especially seaweed.

There are more varieties of edible algae than we know. In addition to the well-known seaweed, there is also bubble fucus, spirulina, and sea salad.

Interesting Fact

A great way to make sure you get enough iodine is to add sea weed in your weekend meals.

8- Salmon

Dishes with salmon 1-2 times a week largely satisfy our body’s needs for omega-3 fatty acids. But it is these healthy fats that prevent the appearance of many diseases and slow down aging. Besides, salmon is very rich in high-quality proteins and many nutrients – potassium, selenium, vitamins B1, B3, B6, and B12.

Interesting Fact:

Scientists have shown that schoolchildren who ate meals with salmon weekly performed better than students who did not eat salmon.

9- Fish Fat

Fish oil is a source of vitamin A and D3. It’s also rich in omega-3, which makes your diet nutritious. Another tablespoon of fish oil is more than enough to prevent vitamin D3 deficiency symptoms. Many people are deficient in this vitamin, which can have various consequences, including an increased risk of cancer and diabetes. This is why getting enough D3 is so important.

Interesting Fact:

You can get enough omega-3 by adding flaxseed oil and fatty fish from the seas to your diet. However, this is not so easy to do: it is better to eat at least half a tablespoon of fish oil every day.

Summing Up

The foods mentioned above are rich sources of several minerals that are necessary for the body’s health. They can help you become healthier, fitter, and more active. Therefore, we recommend you add them to your daily diet.