How To Dry Your Hair Without A Blow Dryer! (2019 Ultimate Guide)

How To Dry Your Hair Without A Blow Dryer! (2019 Ultimate Guide)

For many of us, having hair that’s just neat and in place is something of utmost importance. Because we just don’t have room for bad hair days!

However, most women don’t have the time to get their hands on a blow dryer, especially in the morning! So sometimes, the thought of drying your hair right after a shower can be taxing!

And in other cases, it’s not the time that you worry about – it’s the blowdrying skills!

Unfortunately, that kind of dilemma doesn’t just end in the morning shower, it pretty much can occur anytime that we get our hair mane wet! It’s just so hard, isn’t it?

But the good news is- you don’t always need a blow dryer to dry your hair!

Sounds like a total lifesaver, yes? Well, keep reading and see easier ways to dry your hair!

Step by Step Guide (Ditching The Blow Dryer!)

1.   Blow dryer alternate number one: use a towel!

So, long before blow dryers are a thing, there was the handy-dandy towel! It’s what you use to pat yourself dry after a bath, and of course, it also works on your hair!

use a towel

Here’s how you can dry your hair using only a towel:

  • Step one: pick the right towel!

The regular towel can be a little too harsh on your hair, especially when it’s wet! So for this task, you’ll have to pick a different towel for your hair! We highly suggest to get a towel made of softer materials.

You should also go for a towel that’s more absorbent than your regular ones. For this specific need, we highly suggest getting a microfibre towel. It’s soft, super fast absorbent, and it’s very gentle to your strands!

  • Step two: squeeze!

So before you carry on with drying your hair up with a towel, you have to squeeze out as much water as you can from your hair.

You can do this right after you shampoo and condition your hair. After rinsing off, squeeze the excess water from your hair.

  • Step three: wrap it up!

Right after shampooing, you may opt to wrap your hair up with a towel. Doing so can save you time by allowing the towel to absorb excess water and dry it in the process while you finish soaping up!

  • Step four: squeeze and blot!

Once you’re done showering, it’s now time to squeeze and blot!

Get your towel and start squeezing and blotting your hair. You can do this section per section, starting from the roots down to the tips.

Remember not to squeeze too hard! Don’t wring it as well as this may cause your hair to be frizzy and unmanageable once it completely dries out!

Just keep blotting and squeezing until your hair is no longer dripping wet and is only slightly damp.

  • Step five: let it air dry!

Since you can’t fully dry your hair with just a towel, letting it air dry is the final step!

As this point, you can brush your hair (while it’s still very slightly damp), leave it like that and just let it air dry until it’s no longer damp!

2. Blow dryer alternate number two: use microfibre brush!

A microfibre brush is a brush with tiny microfibre bristles, hence the name. These little sponge-like bristles soak up any excess moisture from the hair, letting it dry faster!

Here’s how you can dry your hair using a microfibre brush:

  • Step one: squeeze the water off of your hair!

If you just got out of the shower, assist the microfibre brush by squeezing out as much water as you can from your hair. This step will not only make things faster for you but easier as well!

  • Step two: pat your hair using a towel!

You want to make sure that your hair isn’t slippery wet before you run your microfibre brush on it. Blot and absorb any water from your hair using your towel.

  • Step three: start brushing!

Once your hair is only nearly damp, start brushing! Very gently run the brush through your hair and let it absorb any moisture.

Repeat this for as many times as you think it’s needed.

  • Step four: shake it off!

In between brushing, you should shake your hair off and let air simply flow through it. This speeds up the process of drying.

  • Step five: keep brushing!

The final step is to just keep brushing your hair until it fully dries! Style as desired.

Tips On How You Can Dry Your Hair Sans A Blow Dryer

Aside from towel-drying and using a microfibre brush to dry your hair, there are also many other ways to get the job done! These techniques are not as intricate as the two that were mentioned above, but they do help in drying your hair even without a blow dryer!

1.   Tip number one: condition your hair!

condition your hair

Conditioning your hair doesn’t just give it that hydration and moisture that it deserves, it will also help in the process of drying your hair quickly after your shower!

How? Well, the conditioner has a very slippery, slick consistency to it. When it’s applied to the hair, it doesn’t just give your hair all the nutrients it carries, it also makes your hair kind of waterproof!

Its moisturizing properties along with its slick texture locks all nutrients into your shaft and seals it in. That said, water won’t be able to soak into your hair as much, compared to when you don’t condition it.

And as a result, not only does your hair becomes softer and more manageable after you shower, it is also not as wet, allowing for a quicker drying process!

2. Tip number two: sun and air dry!

This should be a complete no-brainer! Another surefire way to dry your hair is by taking advantage of nature’s everyday gifts!

After you shower, squeeze your hair and let a towel absorb any excess water. Once damp, gently detangle it, brush it, and simply step outside!

Sit under the sun or go for a walk, let both the air and the sunlight do their magic to dry your hair up!

3. Tip number three: don’t do it in the bathroom!

Yes, you read that right! To get a better experience of drying your hair, don’t do it in the bathroom!

And as much as it seems contradicting, this is actually very true. Opting to get the process done in the bathroom will only slow it down!


Well, the bathroom is a fully enclosed area with minimal ventilation. It tends to be humid and there isn’t enough air circulation to actually dry your hair nicely.

So the next time you choose to dry your hair in the bathroom, just don’t! Step out and do the process somewhere open and well-ventilated and everything will go just as smoothly!

4. Tip number four: don’t want to use a towel? Opt for an old tee!

Other than a towel, is there something else that you can use to dry your hair out?

You may choose to use a shirt! Yes, that’s right – a shirt!

 Grab an old soft tee that you no longer wear and use it to dry your hair up! It works just how a regular towel would!

The best part? A shirt is generally softer in texture compared to your usual towel, so it’s also more gentle to your strands! That said, your hair is less prone to frizz and damage if you dry it up using your well-loved tee!

5. Tip number five: if you really don’t have the time, go for dry shampoo!

dry shampoo

We all get one of those days wherein the time just doesn’t seem enough, and we can’t really blame ourselves for it. It just happens!

And it’s during these times that a dry shampoo becomes a lifesaver! Yep, a dry shampoo!

 If you feel like you don’t have a minute to spare drying your hair, and don’t want to head out with a crooked and damp look, then go for dry shampoo! Spray it all over your strands, focusing on the roots!

Brush your hair out, and style as needed! No towel drying required, or anything else

Additionally, a dry shampoo freshens up your hair and gives it a volume lift in a matter of minutes! So, if today is just extra, extra busy, don’t hesitate to just spray it away!


Frequently Asked Questions On Hair Drying

Hair Drying

1.   How long will it take for my hair to air dry?

There isn’t one same answer to this question. How fast your hair will dry under the sun or just with the air is dependent on how thick your hair is, as well as its texture. Generally, if you have thick hair strands, then it may take a lot longer than those with thinner hair.

But on average, it takes about thirty minutes until your hair isn’t dripping wet when you sit outside and let it air dry. After that period, it becomes damp. Now, that part may take a few hours (anywhere between an hour up to four) before your hair becomes completely dry.

2. Will my hair dry faster using a towel?

Depending on how you do it, drying your hair using a towel may or may not be faster compared to other methods. Of course, it can’t be comparable when you use a blow dryer!

But on average, it may take up to thirty minutes for you to get a decent, very slightly damp hair from towel drying. So, that said, you can expect to a lot 30 minutes a day if you are looking to dry your hair using only a towel!

The Final Takeaway

We get it, being a woman does come with a lot of things to deal with. And drying out your hair is just one!

One of the reasons why some women started ditching the hairdryer is because of the annoying noise that it makes. Especially if you’re blow drying early in the morning! Actually, you can do two things- go for the alternate ways to dry your hair or get yourself a good hair dryer!

But if you want to give hair drying a different spin, go ahead! it’s possible to get things done even without a blow dryer! There are other options that work just as how blow drying would, and they’re easy peasy, too!

So, whether you choose to opt for a microfibre towel and do things the old way, or simply grab a dry shampoo, remember that drying your hair up lies in your technique!

And at the end of the day, all you have to figure out is what works best for you and the rest will follow!