5 Amazing Health Benefits of Haritaki

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Haritaki

Recently, an increasing number of people are choosing to use natural remedies for common illnesses and other health problems. Besides environmental benefits, there are real health benefits to opting for these natural healing methods.

Many of these natural remedies include plant-derived medicines. Among these is an herb called haritaki, which has been consumed in India for over 7,000 years as a natural herbal medicine.

For those who are unfamiliar with what haritaki is, it is an Ayurvedic herb grown on Terminalia Chebula trees. It is commonly used in either a powder or capsule form to increase cognitive and motor functions, boost the immune system, and even treat some diseases.

Here are five health benefits commonly associated with haritaki.

  1. Improves Skin Health

Some of the most popular health products sold today are skin care products. From healing lotions to anti-aging serums, many people are searching for ways to keep their skin young and healthy looking.

Studies have shown that haritaki may be able to improve your overall skin health. It helps slow the skin’s natural aging process without putting harmful chemicals on your face every night.

Haritaki also has anti-fungal properties, making it a popular home treatment for common fungal infections like athlete’s foot and ringworm. Overall, this plant-based remedy could greatly help your skin’s ability to heal and improve the overall smoothness of your skin.

  1. Sharpens Memory

In many studies, haritaki supplements have been shown to increase memory and brain functions. Many people do not think about the fact that what they do now will greatly affect their brain health when they are older. By improving your cognitive functions now, you may be able to reduce your risk for serious brain diseases like dementia in the future.

  1. Aids with Crohn’s Disease and Digestion

Studies have also shown that haritaki has a positive impact on digestion. It may provide significant relief for those suffering from digestive issues such as Crohn’s disease. This is attributed to haritaki’s ability to serve as a mild laxative and colon cleanser.

  1. Helps Fight Obesity

More than one-third of the United States’ population is considered obese. With continuing “weight-loss pills” and things that promise quick fixes, not much is changing in that statistic. As obesity rates continue to rise, it has never been more important to come up with helpful ways to fight this growing issue.

Haritaki has the potential to aid weight loss when taken with diet and exercise. A study was done in India to see the effects of taking these pills, and with the same amount of diet and exercise for each person, those who took the haritaki supplements lost more weight than those who did not.

  1. Good for Your Hair

No one wants to lose their hair, but hair loss is unfortunately a common problem, especially among men. If you start to notice signs of hair loss or believe that you may be genetically predisposed to this condition, a mixture of coconut oil and haritaki oil can help slow down the shed and give your hair time to regrow. Haritaki oil can also be used to treat dandruff and even get rid of lice.


These are just five of the many health benefits of joining the haritaki movement. This herb has proven its healing powers for thousands of years, so it may be worthwhile to check it out.

If you want to improve your immune health and overall cognitive function, prevent diseases, and keep your skin and hair looking flawless while you’re at it, you should look into the healing benefits of haritaki and other natural remedies.