How To Generate Fire Water Damage Restoration Leads For Your Startup

How To Generate Fire Water Damage Restoration Leads For Your Startup

According to research, insurance companies are spending $2.5 billion annually for fire and water damages claims in the US alone. If you’re in the damage restoration business, you’d surely want a piece of this insurance money.

If your business is running well, and you think you have a potential for growth, you’d definitely want more leads to convert. Luckily, in this article, we’ll be covering the topic on how to generate damage restoration leads.

Here are some tips on how to generate fire and water damage restoration leads for your startup:

Online visibility

If your client’s house gets fire and water damages that needs restoration services, what would they do first? Either they’ll ask for referrals from friends and families or search the web for a local fire and water damage restoration business.

Now, the clients will be searching the web for damage restoration services. Although most search engines rank up local businesses, other relevant websites might still overshadow the results.

Thus, increasing the online visibility of your business is imperative, and as a startup, you should also increase your efforts to be visible to all possible clients. Here are some benefits of a visible brand:

  • About 60% of users use the internet to find product and services
  • Potential customer engagement is higher when the brand is visible online

If you want to maximize your company’s online visibility, will provide all your SEO and online lead generations needs.

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Referral program

You can use target keywords such as “referral program for water and fire damage restoration” or “affiliate programs for water and fire damage restoration” to create a webpage on your site.

Here are the benefits of having a referral program:

  • Affiliate marketing will surely help you create more leads and expand your brand visibility.
  • People usually search for these keywords, which will also help you rank up on search engines.

Reach out plumbers

You can easily do this with the help of the website Yelp, where you can request for estimates from local plumbers using their automated forms.

When you’re filling up service requests, it’s important to introduce yourself as a local fire and water damage restoration service provider, and you’re looking for local contractors to have a business partnership, you can also offer a reasonable referral fee to ensure an effective reach out.

Here are tips on how to have an effective plumber reach out:

  • You should always remember to keep your rates as competitive as possible.
  • Build a personal relationship with them.

Create and maintain healthy business relationships with other professionals

Other than plumbers, you’d surely want to make friends with other professionals that can provide you leads. Although a tight connection with a local insurance agent may do the work, it’s still imperative to create and maintain a healthy business relationship with local property managers and contractors.

Here are some things to remember when building business relationships:

  • Talk to them personally, it establishes a better rapport than talking over the phone.
  • Consider bringing something to their office.

Partner up with larger companies

Joining local restoration Facebook groups, and partnering up with restorers near your area to refer out projects that are still too big for your company will give the following benefits:

  • Small companies such as yours, will have access to labor and materials owned by the larger partner company.
  • You will be able to accept larger and more complex restoration

Online reviews

When clients look for a particular service, they will be reading online reviews that may contain a company’s service quality. Online ratings can actually make or break any client’s decision, make sure to answer online reviews on your company, whether its a bad or a good review.

Here are some things to consider relating to online reviews:

  • 70% of users say that positive reviews instill trust in smaller businesses.
  • 93% of consumers’ visits and reads online review websites.

Publish blogs

Focus on articles that can answer the most frequently asked questions of your target audience. When clients search for answers relating to water and fire restoration, clients will be landing on your website.

Here are some reasons why you should do content marketing:

  • It can exhibit your expertise and knowledge.
  • It helps with building client relationships.

Closing thoughts

This may be a lot to comprehend, but you can use these tips to generate more lead to your fire and water damage restoration company. However, if you’re in need of a professional lead generation company, you can always check out the company link above.