How To Overcome Procrastination When Traveling

How To Overcome Procrastination When Traveling

We have often procrastinated on things we would love to do several times in our lives. Many view procrastination as laziness. It could be a destination that you have always dreamed of visiting,but you have never taken any steps in making your travel plans a reality.

Psychologists believe that people who are prone to procrastination have a negative view of the tasks ahead. They could be telling themselves how hard it is going to be or how they do not have the skills to accomplish the tasks. When it comes to traveling, procrastination will take the form of how you do not have the money for the trip or how much work you have.

If procrastination is not handled effectively, it will prevent you from living your best life possible. Planning to travel to Brazil – read here for more information and get your Brazil e visa.

This article will help you overcome your tendency to procrastinate.


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Overthinking plays a significant role in why people procrastinate. People will create very many scenarios in their minds on how a trip will go wrong or how a task will take time to complete that they do not take any action. Overthinking prevents you from looking at an issue from different perspectives. If you are constantly thinking how boring a task will be, you will keep postponing starting it until you end up not doing it. Make an effort to learn more about what you fear concerning a task. If you are afraid of traveling to a certain city, research online on what traveling to the city entails.

Think in the Long-term

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Many people who are chronic procrastinators often think in the short term. They will look at how uncomfortable it will be to perform a task instead of looking at the long-term effects of working on a project. Visualize how you will feel when you have accomplished a particular task. If you have been procrastinating of travel imagine how good you will feel when you are relaxing and having fun. Visualizing the final result gives you the motivation to perform a task.

Eat the frog first

This is an idea formulated by Brian Tracy,and it formulates a plan to help you overcome procrastination. Brian theorizes that you should begin with the most laborious task first and then accomplish other tasks later. When you eat the frog first, you are motivated to tackle other more straightforward tasks.

Learn how to use reminders

Tasks that you find boring oftenget ignored when you are busy because they are not a part of your calendar. We tend to relegate them to “I will do this when I get time” – which often is never. Learn to schedule all your tasks big or small in your calendar and set reminders to help you manage your time. When the timer goes on do what needs to be done. With time you will notice that your inbox tray keeps reducing.

Avoid excuses

The reason you have not taken that trip to the Bahamas or lost weight is that you keep making excuses. If you are looking for the right time to be motivated, then you will never accomplish your tasks. Motivation is like a drug – it wears of,and you then need more of it. If you want to accomplish a task try breaking the task into small bits. As you accomplish each part of the task, you will be motivated to complete the rest of it. There will be no ideal time to travel if you do not start taking steps now.

Your Biological clock

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There people who accomplish much in the morning and some people work well in the middle of the night. It is essential that you find out what works well for you. If you are a morning person use this time to finish hard tasks, as the day progresses and your energy levels dip do tasks that do not require much of your concentration. If you are a night person, do not expect to perform a task in the morning. Have a schedule that works for you rather than against you.

Break up a task

A task may seem overwhelming because of the amount of time it requires to accomplish it. If you have a large project, learn to break it down into small chunks. If it is traveling start by putting some money every month for your dream trip; then follow this up with a purchase of gear and other traveling materials. With time you will find yourself having finished the task.

Accountability Partner

The partner who will remind you of your goals. People have accountability partners to help them accomplish their goals. An accountability partner can help you overcome alcoholism; this person puts you on the spot when you fail to reach a goal. They also encourage you to go the extra mile.

Change of environment

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The reason you are procrastinating could be related to the kind of environment that you are living. If you always feel stressed doing a task at a particular spot it could be helpful if you changed sitting positions, take a walk or do something besides the task. Your mobile phone could be the reason you are procrastinating on tasks. If you are always checking your emails, and social media accounts then the changes of been distracted increases. Social media slows down your productivity because your brain takes time to concentrate on a task. If you have a problem with social media, then you need to turn off your phone until you have completed your tasks. If you have an office, a No disturb sign will ensure that you concentrate on your tasks.


Procrastination prevents you from accomplishing tasks. To overcome the problem first ask yourself why you are postponing a project or task. If a task is large, break it down into small manageable tasks as you accomplish a small task you get the motivation to do more. Create a schedule that works best for you – if you are a night person do not attempt to postpone a task to the morning when you are aware that you will not do it.