Are Replacement Windows Worth The Money I Will Spend?

Are Replacement Windows Worth The Money I Will Spend?

Homeowners everywhere know that replacement windows cost a pretty penny and wonder if replacement windows are worth the money they will spend. The answer, to many, is a resounding yes! This is because although windows are (admittedly) a large investment, it’s one that will certainly pay off in the long-term.

Replacement windows add value in added beauty and charm, increase your home’s resale value when you are ready to sell, and save you money. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.

Increased Resale Value for Your Home

You may wonder how windows can add to your home’s resale value. There are a couple of reasons why.

First, windows will enhance the curb appeal of your home. This first impression is valuable to even get finicky buyers into the front door to see the inside of the house. If you don’t catch them at the curb, your home will languish on the market longer.

Second, and I’m going to be blunt here, buyers are lazy. They want to move into their new home, decorate it, and enjoy life. Replacing windows is a task that they just don’t want to undertake. While professional installers do the actual hard labor, they picture it as a messy and inconvenient job that they’d rather not do. Energy-efficient replacement windows make it easy for buyer to make the decision to purchase your home.

Jalousie To Slider Windows

Added Beauty and Charm

Whether your home is a grand, large estate or a small and cozy cottage, windows are an architectural detail that can add both beauty and charm.

However, you must put thought and care into choosing your windows for they are an investment that you will probably only make once! You have the opportunity to completely change the look of your home, both inside and out, by the materials that you choose.

From the window frame material choice to the number of lights in the window, you have almost unlimited possibilities of combinations. In fact, homeowners sometimes can become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of available options.

Try to stick with windows that are in keeping with your home’s “feeling.” If you have a grand home, go for windows with exquisite trim and details. If you want to make your cottage even cozier, select simple looking windows.

Don’t be afraid to ask your window professional for his advice. He is trained to know which windows will look best and loves to answer your questions!

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Money Savings

Energy Efficiency:

Your replacement windows will increase the energy efficiency of your home immediately! Yep. As soon as they are installed, you will begin to reap the benefits of replacement windows in the form of reducing your energy bills.

Modern windows are more efficient than any previous generation of windows. They trap the climate-controlled air indoors to keep you more comfortable. In addition, the seal out the elements that would otherwise cause your heating or cooling units to run more frequently.

Less Frequent Replacement of Your Heating/Cooling Units:

In addition to saving money on your monthly bills, you will cut down on the usage of your heating and cooling units. Like any mechanical equipment, the more you run it, the faster it breaks down. Because of the increased energy efficiency, you will have fewer repair calls on your heating and cooling units as well as extend their lifespans, saving you money on replacement equipment.


While the cost of replacement windows can be daunting when you look at it on paper, consider how much new windows will improve your home.  Thousands of homeowners replace their windows every year. The added beauty, increased value, and money saved gives homeowners everywhere a reason to smile!

Author Bio:
Matt Rotondi is the owner of Zen Windows Boston. The native Bostonian has worked in the home improvement industry for over 21 years. He credits his success due to his ongoing commitment to excellent customer service and delivering a superior window shopping experience.