7 Skin Rejuvenating Tips For Working, Busy Ladies!

7 Skin Rejuvenating Tips For Working, Busy Ladies!

Is work-life, kids, college or studies keeping you packed that you seldom find time for your skin? Or you end up not following a skin care regime because you are too drained to do anything.

Neglecting skin care can also lead to early ageing, dark spots, tanning, acne, and other skin problems. So, if you are a working lady who wants to take care of her skin, but barely get time to do so, here are some tricks that would help:

Don’t Overlook The Role Of Water:

We all know that our 70% body is made from water, so it’s very important to stay hydrated. Water helps in controlling the symptoms of early ageing and washes away all the toxins present in the skin. Ideally, 3-4 liters of water is important to have that soft, plumped skin. Make sure to avoid cold water, as it will increase the mid-meal craving.

Do The Basics:

If you are short of time, trying market-brought products that promise to do miracles for your skin is a bad idea. So, don’t experiment and stick to basics. Just cleaning, washing and moisturizing are what your skin needs the most. Make a habit of following the basic routine at night, as said by professionals of skin rejuvenation in Montrose. Find a mild cleanser, a face wash, and nice moisturiser.

Let Your Skin Breathe:

Try to go all natural, without any makeup on regular days. This will help your skin breathe and will not harm the texture of your natural skin. Many makeup products possess chemical ingredients and other harsh ingredients that can close the pores and can do harm to your skin.

Utilize Nights:

Although you only have limited time at night, spending 10-15 minutes on the skin will not do any harm. If you don’t have any time during the day, follow the skin-regime at night. Exfoliate at night and apply night cream and massage gently. Let the cream immerse into the skin naturally instead of rubbing.


You can always apply a face mask when you are preparing your breakfast. However, make sure that you don’t move any of your facial features while putting on the facemask. You can also keep the scrub in the shower. The day when you exfoliate your skin, you can also skip the face wash. Just wash the scrub and apply moisturiser and sunscreen.

What You Put Inside Is What Reflects:

Eat foods that are good not only for your skin, but also for your overall health. Instead of munching chips, stick to dry fruits or flax seeds. Stick to green vegetables, and if you are a non vegetarian, eat salmon. For antioxidants, eat nuts. Make sure to skip junk food to make your skin glowing and healthy.

There’s A Power In Sleep:

Never underestimate the power of sleep when it comes to keeping skin healthy and rejuvenated. Doing this, will give time to marks and blemishes to repair and renew during night.

No matter how busy your days are, make time for your skin and let it be happy!