7 Simple Ways To Control Food Cravings

7 Simple Ways To Control Food Cravings

We have all been there — though we try to eat well, when we smell a certain tempting scent or see something delicious on television, sometimes we just can’t help ourselves. If you are finding yourself giving into your unhealthy food cravings more often than usual and are looking for ways to curb them, here are some simple tips to follow.

Try a Healthy Supplement

Sometimes, weight loss and curbing hunger cannot be done completely on our own. Healthy supplements can help kickstart your progress and help get you motivated to continue on your health journey. If you aren’t sure of the efficacy and safety of a product, don’t hesitate to read Nucific reviews online to get a clear picture of how the product has helped others. Supplements like spinach extract are also a great and safe way to curb cravings, and can help reduce your appetite for hours.

Drink Water

Thirst can often be confused with hunger or food cravings. If you feel a craving coming on, try drinking a large glass of water first and see if the feeling subsides. A human needs roughly eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day, so if you are not getting enough water, simply drinking more could be all that you need to solve your craving problem. Just be careful not to count liquids like tea and coffee as part of your water intake — they contain caffeine which can actually work as a diuretic and dry you out.

Remove Temptations

This may be tricky and seem extreme, but sometimes, it is best to remove all temptations from your home so that you can avoid them. If you have the willpower to avoid the chips or candy in the pantry, that is great news. Many people simply cannot say “no” to treats, so it is best to get rid of them so they can be out of sight and mind.

If you are struggling with food obsession, it is best to work with a nutrition coach. They can help you manage food cravings without giving up your favorite foods.

Don’t Get Super Hungry

When you are extremely hungry, it can be tempting to indulge and treat yourself to something that you are craving. You often can’t control the urge to “eat something now,” which lands you at the closest fast food spot or has you eating a salty or sugary snack. You can avoid this by eating smaller meals or snacks regularly. Keep fruit on hand at all times, and snack on something nutritious every few hours. If you never let yourself feel like you are “starving,” you will be much less likely to crack and eat something terrible that won’t even fill you up.


Minimize Stress

Stress eating is a terrible habit to get into, and a very tough one to break. Sometimes when we feel stressed and like things are spinning out of control, eating something comforting is a quick way to gain back some control and make us feel a bit better. However, what we put into our bodies when we stress eat is rarely healthy, and is also typically much more than we actually need. If possible, try to reduce the stress in your life. If this seems unattainable, look for better ways to cope with stress, such as taking a relaxing bath or watching a favorite TV show uninterrupted. There are better ways to handle stress than eating junk — you just need to find what works best for you.

Plan Meals

Plan meals in advance for the week so you always know what you are having. This will help you avoid the panic of not knowing what to eat and ordering something unhealthy at the last minute or heating junk food up in the microwave. Ensure that each meal is rich with protein, which will keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer than most other foods. Eating protein at dinner also helps reduce cravings at night, which is one of the worst times to snack. Snacking right before bed can cause sleeplessness and weight gain, so eat a healthy and balanced dinner so bedtime snacking isn’t an issue.


Get Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can make you feel awful, which may lead to snacking or eating comfort foods to make you feel better. Try your best to get a good night’s sleep as often as you can so that your grogginess does not lead to cravings. Sleep aids like melatonin may be worth a try if you constantly have trouble falling and staying asleep.

Food cravings are extremely tough to manage. Follow these simple tips to reduce your cravings and perhaps even lose a little bit of weight along the way.