6 Ways to Keep the Office Fresh and Fun

6 Ways to Keep the Office Fresh and Fun

We all know that the office ends up becoming your home away from home. The average worker ends up spending about a third of their day in the office. Over time this adds up to months and even years of one’s life.

How do you make the work environment fun and keep spirits up?

Here, we will take a look at six ways to make the office fresh and fun.

1) Re-Decorate Every Few Months

We know all the stereotypical office of grey walls and fluorescent lights too well. Don’t be afraid to shake things up every once and while. Consider re-decorating once a quarter or whenever inspiration strikes.

One popular method is to work with seasonal themes. The holidays are an essential moment to take advantage of. Try your best to bring the holiday spirit into the workplace when the time arrives.

We all lead busy lives and maintaining office decoration can often fall by the wayside. Although it may seem subtle, the effect that decor has on office mood is profound.

2) Deep Clean

We all do our best to keep the workplace clean and to treat it with respect, but there is something to be said about a professional cleaning session.

A deep cleaning leads to feelings of self-respect and satisfaction in the workforce. It sends a message to employees that they deserve to work in a well-maintained and professional environment.

You’re going to need a cleaning company that offers comprehensive cleaning, like these commercial cleaning services in Melbourne. However, once you find your match, you’ll realize that a truly clean environment leads to a happier, more productive workforce.

How frequently you choose to use this service is up to you. Most offices choose to do so at least once a year, usually around spring cleaning time.

3) Schedule a Group Reward

“Summer Fridays” have gained popularity recently. For some companies this means an earlier end time on Fridays during the summer. For others, this means a communal lunch paid for by the company at the end of the week.

No matter the gesture, things like this let the employees know that they are appreciated.

4) Set Up an Office Bulletin Board

This can be a great way to keep employees updated on all matters regarding the company. Furthermore, this creates an opportunity to give recognition to outstanding employees.

Consider nominating someone for employee of the month or highlighting someone’s exceptional work. This fosters a sense of community within the office and encourages others to improve their work.

5) Host Office Events

Today, office parties and workplace events have become the norm. Companies have hosted famous musicians and comedians in their workplaces. These events are essential for maintaining passion within a company. Not only do they encourage bonding within the workforce, but they allow for great networking opportunities.

Planning an event can be daunting due to expenses and the planning required. However, they are worth every penny. Memorable events like these allow employees to associate work with fun and community.

6) Spread Positivity

Although not a physical item, positivity is perhaps the most essential tool for keeping the office fresh and fun. The best part is that it is free and we can share it. After taking a look at these considerations and reminding ourselves about the power of positivity, we should be well on our ways to a healthy workplace. Let’s get to work!

Bottom Line

Long days in the office can begin to become monotonous in a stale environment. We must combat this head on. Let’s show some personality and not let ourselves become the cliche of a boring office.

Which of these six ideas will you try first?