As lucrative as being a homeowner sounds, It takes more than a prayer to keep your house I order. A toolbox comes in handy whenever you need to fix stuff in the house. It is an often occurrence where you will get a leak here and a loose screw there to take care of. I know you are already thinking that it will be much easier to call the plumber or a carpenter to fix stuff for you, However, some of these things will not give you the time advantage. You have to act fast and act smart and this will only be so when you are prepared with some basic utility tools.
- Hammer
Hitting the nail on the head will only remain a saying to you if you don’t have a hammer around. Hammers come in handy anytime there’s the need to drive in a nail or pull one out. They are also handy with small fixtures like a loose wood, chair or even table. Hammers are both an indoor and outdoor accessory and the good thing about them is that they are long-term tools.
- Coupling nuts
Extension nuts as many people call them are also a vital home utility to keep close. You should get the best there is in the market, this means getting the galvanized stainless steel nuts. This kind of tools are however supposed to be long-term which means you have to get the best supplier who gives you coupling nuts in a full range of sizes. Also get nuts that will make it easy for you to use, like getting hexagonal nuts that give you a good grip to tighten your threads.
- Utility knife
Now, this may be well the coolest tool to have at home. They come in handy in a lot of situations where you need to cut something. They are small, portable easy to use and are also safe. They save you the trouble of having to carry scissors all over the house while a knife can do the trick. Utility knives also have adjustable blades which not only ensure your safety but also their efficiency.
- Set of screwdrivers
In your toolbox make sure that you have one or all of these. I have often found myself in situations where only a screwdriver can help me. Screwdrivers are very good when it comes to tightening some screws or opening up appliances. It is, however, frustrating to have only one kind of screwdriver as you never know which kind of crew you will need to hack.
- Duct tape.
In your list of lifehack tools, you should probably add duct tape. Duct tape works miracles in times of emergencies when you need to seal up something before you get a good replacement for it. May it be a leak or an open wire that you need to cover or a broken tool, it does the trick. Having this tools will definitely save you a lot of trouble in your house.
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