Every relationship experiences a phase when problems are on a constant rise and nothing seems to calm down the heat.
There is a list of reasons that can cause major harm to your relationship. While some cause light disagreements, the other can drive you away. If you’ve been waiting to understand this, now is the time to get going. Here are the 6 real reasons that your demand attention right away!
Reasons why your relationship is falling apart
Without careful evaluation, little things may begin to leave lumps amidst your love. If you let the lump sustain, eventually it begins to deteriorate the relationship and spread like cancer.
These 6 reasons will help you understand what is causing issues in your relationship and how you can deal with them conveniently.
Lack of trust
Perhaps one of the deadliest in line, lack of trust in any relationship can cause major problems.
We all know that trust is the foundation of every relationship and when it breaks, it shreds your relationship gradually. Mistrust compels you to suspect every move of your partner that ultimately chokes their private space.
Trust is a sensitive matter and it can hurt partners tremendously. If you don’t want to be one of the victims, delay judgments and seek clarifications.
Keeping secrets from each other
When you are in a relationship, you practically share your lives together. Certainly, you don’t owe an explanation of every aspect of your life, but incidents that involve your partner must be cited to them. But when partners begin to do the contrary, the burnt has to be borne by the ‘beautiful’ relationship.
Imagine the gorgeous face of your partner when he/she discovers the secret of your relationship from a third person. If the sight of that imagination tends to break your heart, let out everything that you have been holding for so long. It will not only make you feel light but will also infuse cooperation in your ‘happily-ever-after’.
Sleeping with a fight on
All relationships face terrible times. But sleeping with a fight on will only stimulate the gap between you two. When the two of you stay together, there will be a lot of differences of opinions, arguments and sometimes ugly fights. But what’s important is that by the end of the day, both of you have made peace with it.
I follow a policy that says ‘Never sleep on a fight’ which ensures that I and my partner resolve everything before the last hour of the day. So, if the fight was extremely over the line, light up your partner’s mood with lots and lots of cuddles when he/she comes back home. It never fails to work!
Lack of romanticism
Recently, it was estimated that 33% of men than women across the globe said that their partners lack romanticism and it really bothers them. Ask yourself if you are of them too. If yes, it’s time for an update.
Organize a romantic date, a weekend getaway to the place where you guys first met or just some Netflix and chill! (If you know what I mean. :P)
While you both are hooked onto the screens, a kiss here and there will do wonders. Later you can take over as and how your partner reciprocates. If you see a drift in their sexual behavior with no reciprocation at all, I suggest its always wise to visit a sex counselor.
Difficulty in dealing with anger
Anger issues have been prevalent in relationships forever. Due to anger, frustration, arguments and lack of communication has become a common problem. But what needs to be realized is that the more you allow anger to penetrate your relationship, the more it breaks it apart.
Make sure you keep your anger under control. If you are feeling agitated about something, instead of throwing things, try and talk it out patiently.
Ignoring your partner’s needs
Most of us often tend to make a big mistake by consistently ignoring our partner’s needs. For some time, your partner might be helpless but, if it continues, your partner will be fed up with the distance. Regular arguments will accompany further.
At this point, comprehend the hints more closely and understand their needs both physically and emotionally. Someday, they might just be on the lookout for a hug while on the other they would want something more.
Relationships aren’t always as pretty as a fairy-tale. Arguments and conflicts are normal. But the reasons cited above can be easily avoided to keep the intimacy alive in your relationship forever.
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