Every student needs to make the most of their years at high school as it’s a time of life that won’t come round again. Academically and socially it’s important to make the most of every opportunity and find the right balance both for having the best time now and also for the future as well.
Pick Your Classes Well
What classes you study can be vitally important in two ways as all exam results are not created equal firstly, when you apply to universities and colleges they will look at what you study as well as what grades you have achieved, especially in scientific and technical courses. Secondly be mindful to pick courses you have a good chance of doing well in, choose subjects that suit your strengths as opposed to your weaknesses.
Create A Study Timetable
Organization is key, not just in studying but as a skill that will be useful in later life. If you study in a haphazard and disorganized manner then you will, most likely, not be using your time as efficiently as you should be and, even worse, might miss out sections of the course curriculum as you may unintentionally just study the bits that you enjoyed more.
Be Involved In School Activities
School activities and clubs are a key thing to be involved in during your time as a high-school student as it will, for one, look great on a college application if you can combine this with good grades as well. 11 plus exam papers help you to evaluate your skills and achieve academic goals. But also you should enjoy your years as a school student and being involved can be fun, enjoyable and have you spend time with others who share your interests.
Know Where You Want To Go After High-School
Have a plan, this is something you should do when trying to achieve anything, so you should do this when looking at what comes after high-school. Think about what uni you would like to go to? Even if you are not looking to take up further study you should still think about what type of job you would like to get and what skills you need for this.
Be Punctual
Punctuality is key in any area of life and it’s important to get into this good habit early on in life. You will find that any employer does not tolerate repeated lateness and if you get in the habit of this then you find your chances of advancement becoming slim and even may struggle to hold onto your job. At the other end of this, it’s often noticed and remarked upon those who put in the extra hours voluntarily.
Always Follow School Rules
Those who routinely follow school rules will find that they get on a lot better. If you are repeatedly making a nuisance of yourself then when it comes to looking for something for yourself such as help with study or even a recommendation then you might find that you are not thought of as the right student to get these perks.
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