Cannabis sativa has been among humans for thousands of years.
However, there is still debate about the risks and benefits of marijuana. The legalization of cannabis has led to a considerable increase in its use for health and personal reasons.
More than two-thirds of the American population can legally access medical marijuana, and more than a quarter can access it for recreational purposes.
Let us look at the benefits of recreational cannabis:
- Provide Jobs and Income
Recreational cannabis creates a demand for the product. More marijuana dispensaries and nurseries are needed to meet this demand. This will create jobs and start many economic activities in the cannabis industry.
In Nevada and California, where recreational cannabis is legal and you can buy hash online, the economic impact has been felt as the market has matured. If there was nationwide legalization of recreational cannabis, about one million jobs could be generated by 2025.
The jobs will be in the form of workers needed in cannabis farming, processing, cannabis delivery, and selling cannabis-based products. There would also be sufficient opportunities for secondary industries associated with legal cannabis, even if they are not entirely involved production and distribution of marijuana. These may include construction companies, financing services, software developers, etc.
- Personal Benefits
People use cannabis for different reasons, but the most common reasons are stress relief, relaxation, and generally feeling better. Others report using cannabis for recreation and symptom relief. Researchers assessed the effects of the federal legalization of cannabis in Canada and discovered that cannabis benefits mental health and quality of life. If you’re looking for a tasty and effective way to experience the benefits of CBD, you should try Eagle Moon Hemp Edibles.
- Investment Opportunities
Legal cannabis presents an opportunity of incredible benefits to economies on a national and local scale. It could also help safeguard the investment portfolios of investors in the country. Cannabis is still illegal federally, which makes it difficult for investors to exploit the cannabis industry’s growth. There are a few marijuana-related companies on public stock exchanges.
Although investors can work with over-the-counter exchanges, most of the successful ventures in the legal cannabis space are based in Canada. If cannabis became legal nationally, marijuana companies would freely list stocks on all exchanges, enhancing liquidity and opening up access to more investors.
- Reduced Crime Rates
When citizens are allowed to take recreational cannabis, there will be an increase in marijuana dispensaries. This decreases crime in neighborhoods because there is an enhanced security presence.
In areas where recreational marijuana is legal, alcohol sales drop because people drink less, reducing crime rates. Alcohol-related violence and crime are ten times higher than that marijuana use. Furthermore, 40% of violent crimes are associated with alcohol consumption.
Moving from alcohol use to cannabis use will reduce crimes related to alcohol, such as assault and domestic violence. FBI statistics indicate that violent crime decreased in Washington after the legalization of cannabis use.
- Marijuana is Less Dangerous than Tobacco and Alcohol
Tobacco and alcohol are legal, but they cause liver damage, heart failure, cancer, respiratory problems, and more. The CDC reports that six people die due to alcohol poisoning daily in the US. On the other hand, zero cases of death from cannabis overdose are recorded.
A ranking of harmful drugs puts alcohol at the top, tobacco at sixth position, and cannabis in the eighth. Most people perceive tobacco as a more significant threat to human health than cannabis.
- Free up Police Resources
Arresting people for illegal marijuana possession costs the federal government between $1.19 billion and $6.03 billion per year. The costs include legal, judicial, police, and corrections expenses. Imprisoning marijuana offenders places $600 million per year on the government. Allowing people to use marijuana for recreational reasons can free up about $13.7 million annually.
These resources can help tackle other serious crimes such as homicide, assault, and rape. The criminalization of cannabis wastes valuable police time as each hour spent searching for marijuana puts public safety at risk.
- Recreational Cannabis Starves Street Gangs, Organized Crime, and Drug Cartels of Money
There is no need for drug cartels in countries where cannabis is legalized nationally, such as Canada, because cannabis is readily obtainable without legal barriers. In states that allow the use of cannabis for recreational purposes, marijuana farms and dispensaries provide the drug, eliminating the need for drug cartels.
Drug cartels have long been involved in organized crimes by sponsoring street gangs to deal with business competitors. The legalization of marijuana in Washington and Colorado has taken approximately $2.7 million from Mexican drug cartels.
Therefore, allowing recreational cannabis would benefit the citizens and eliminate drug cartels more effectively than any law enforcement strategy. Through taxed and licensed vendors, regulated and legal sales will replace the black market.
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