For a while the kids wouldn’t stop asking for a foosball table. And when children want something, they never stop asking.
I’ve been contemplating whether I should buy one or not. It was taking longer than expected so I decided to do some research on why foosball tables are a must have.
After much research I caved in.
So, what persuaded me to buy the foosball table? These six reasons proved to me there are benefits to playing foosball.
It’s A Competitive Sport
A game of fun turns into one that is competitive—and I love it. I love healthy competition as it encourages children to try harder and improve their skills.
Who loves losing or coming place? Nobody.
Therefore. It’s great if this competitive nature extends to other parts of their lives. It makes them—and adults too—try to be the best in everything they do.
If you’re a parent, there is no doubt you want this. You don’t have to fight with your children to study or practice sports or instruments. This competitive nature kicks in. If they don’t see the wanted results they won’t give up but instead practice harder.
Foosball also teaches us to be fair. It’s not a game where they can cheat or sabotage. This fairness teaches us that we can’t always get the results we want even when we’ve worked hard. And that’s okay.
Build Communication
When the whole family gets involved in games it helps build communication. This is perfect if someone is introverted.
You can’t play a game not knowing your partner’s move. You two need to communicate and be in sync in order to make the right moves & score.
It builds teamwork. If you own a business you can have a foosball table in the office. Firstly it can make the work environment less stressful. The playful atmosphere reconnects employees, helps them to communicate better, make strategies and appreciate one another.
Communication also leads to better productivity. Siblings build an understanding between one another which then grows into support. They’ll help each other for all activities that may require teamwork such as chores.
Body Benefits
Being active is very good for the body. Technology is one reason why kids aren’t being active at home anymore. When they play foosball they receive their daily exercise. The knees, wrists, shoulders and feet are constantly moving. The exercise is better when there are teams of one only.
When your kids get better they move faster. This improves the body’s cardiovascular and blood flow.
Foosball is a great rehabilitation sport for those who suffer from arthritis and similar types of diseases. These people can stay active and improve their stand for the effective joints not to remain static.
Your hand eye coordination also improves. You can react faster to counteract opponents moves. Reflexes and hand eye coordination skills don’t stop when the game has ended. They carry over to other areas of life. Children will be better at physical sports too.
Mental Health Benefits
Foosball not only works out the body but the mind too. It’s a fast moving game that makes you think quick on your feet. On the spot your child can think of tactics that will help him or her get the better hand.
It helps improve the mental capability of children. They’ll think better and smarter in life too. They will look for the easiest or most convenient solution to problems.
A healthy mind is always beneficial in the long run. It reduces the risks of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
Because a child’s mind is still developing he or she are exemplary candidates for mental health benefits. Adults are used to their particular thinking and barely have room to grow. We have one mindset that may not always be helpful.
Children who grow up playing quick thinking activities will adjust their thinking according to the situation. They’ll think of all possible outcomes that generate effective results. Solutions are more likely to be successful.
As a parent, I think it’s important to do everything possible that makes your children grow with the best thinking capabilities.
Everyone can play
Foosball tables can be pricey. But if everyone can play there is no fault in buying one.
The rules are simple which makes it possible for all family members—even extended family—to play. You don’t need to move a lot which is perfect for seniors or those that are slightly disabled.
You can have parties and everyone will enjoy playing each other. You can make tournaments too. Foosball is perfect for anyone at any time.
No Additional Set Up
Foosball tables aren’t one of those items that need to be set up before every game. It’s pretty straightforward. You only need to assemble it and its ready for matches.
Oh, and as you know it doesn’t require any electricity which is a huge bonus. When the powers out and the kids are bored they can play one another. You can go about your day without your kids bothering you because they don’t have anything to do. Foosball is the cure for them being bored.
I’ve come to enjoy the Tornado Foosball brand. It’s sleek and sophisticated look matches any home. It’s also easy to find a place to store the table without taking much room in the house.
I was very surprised to learn that foosball tables have benefits. And these persuaded me heavily as I realized they can help with my children’s development. After countless matches I actually see the reasons play out in front of me. The kids are nicer to each other outside of matches which I appreciate. It’s a win-win for all.
More information on how to pick the right foosball table can be found on .
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