6 Natural Sleep Aids that Work to Improve Sleep & Health

6 Natural Sleep Aids that Work to Improve Sleep & Health

The human body is a machine that is capable of many wonderful things. It was built to create, maintain, improve and revise its surroundings and perform tasks that will benefit everyone. As far as i know, every ounce of energy is order to conquer obstacles that hinder prosperity. By doing so, we actually defy our limitations and become demi gods for a while, just so we deliver what we have promised. It is not an easy task, but it will surely make us stronger than ever and be a better individual in the long run.

But of course, we must recuperate our lost energy. Food and water is not enough though, it will only work if we get one of the most important things that makes us humans, and that is sleep. Sleeping is a very important activity that gives us back the energy that we need in order comprehend what is needed to do our daily tasks. It is by far, the best way to restart and make things anew and the only thing that will gives us the will to once again take on what the world seems to be a fair trial for us all.

But of course, are bodies are different, and we need the right kind of help in order to compensate for lost time and effort. We may not be able to get the sleep that we need because of various reasons that have affected our sleep cycle, thus, resulting to an even bigger problem. That is why we are blessed with so many things that will help us pursue an even healthier body, something that will aid us to sleep in a way that will restore our vitality, and these are called natural sleep aids. You can check out Yes Wellness for more info.

Things that are natural are better because they are free from added chemicals that may cause some certain side effects to the body. That is why these natural sleep aids will improve your sleep and health without risking any unwanted, nasty chemicals entering your body.

1. Tryptophan Rich Food

Tryptophan rich foods

Tryptophan rich foods is one of the best natural sleeping aids.  Tryptophan is actually an amino acid that helps the brain produce serotonin and melatonin, the ones responsible for making the brain and body relaxed, thus causing drowsiness and making us feel comfortable to sleep. Some examples of these foods are chocolates, oats, milk, read meat, eggs and foods that are protein based. Some soccer players have been known to be given tryptophan rich food after a long hard workout or late night game in order to cope up with the stress that they have endured and so that they can get as much sleep as possible.

2. Lavender


Lavender is a very popular plant that gives off a very fragrant smell. Studies show that smelling lavender oil improves the quality and amount of sleep greatly. That is why Lavender is used in aromatherapy and is used with people who suffer from insomnia.

3. Passion Flower Tea

Passion Flower is a very well known plant in North America. It has been used to improve the sleeping quality and pattern of people who have trouble finding them. It is observed however that the effectiveness of Passion Flower depends on the form consumed. That is why tea is the best form of passion flower used to aid us in sleeping.

4. Glycine rich foods


Glycine is another amino acid that gives a big role in helping us sleep. Those who have consumed glycine on a daily basis say that they feel less fatigued the next day and have encountered no problem in their sleeping pattern. It also comes in the form of a pill or supplement but can be found in food such as spinach, kale, bone broth, meat, poultry, beans, cabbage, eggs, kiwi and bananas.

5. Magnesium


Magnesium is a very important mineral that is involved with tons of activities in the body and is also responsible for sleep and heart health. Studies show that lack of magnesium  levels in the body contributes directly to insomnia and unstable sleeping patterns. Also it is linked to the increase in the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid, an amino acid that has calming effects in the brain. In recent studies, patients who have been given magnesium supplements have reported to have better sleeping patterns than those who have been given placebos.

6. Valerian Roots


Lastly, Valerian is very popular herb in Asia and Europe. It is most commonly used to treat people with anxiety, menopause and anxiety. Also, it has been used as a natural sleeping aid in the US and Europe. Even though results are inconsistent, all reports have noted that improvements are subjective and depends on the client’s perception of sleep.