A home is powered with energy, but people do not know much about electrical safety. Hence, why there are electrical fires that occur yearly in different homes and some of them involve electrocution and other electrical-related incidents that could have avoided. Thus, it is vital not to ignore home electrical safety. So, when faced with an electrical problem. Contact an electrician from west palm beach Florida so that they can solve your issue professionally and safely. Below are 6 electrical safety tips for the home.
Repair or replace damaged electrical cords
One way to keep your home safe is to take note of a damaged electrical cord and replace or repair it. This is because they are a safety risk and they can cause both electrocution and fires. Therefore, check power cords and extensions regularly for any signs of fraying and repair and replace them as needed. Also, avoid running power cords under rugs or stapling them in place. This is because they pose a tripping hazard, and they will overheat under a rug. Also, if you have to use an extension cord every day, this means you do not have enough outlets in your home. So, call in a professional electrician to install more outlets where you use the extension cords.
Unplug all unused appliances
To reduce any potential risks to your home electrical safety, ensure that you unplug all unused appliances. This is one of the simplest safety tips, but it is easy out to forget about it. This will save you the power and reduce any phantom drain. Also, you protect these appliances from overheating. If you find it always hard to remember to unplug these unused appliances. Use the new generation of smart plugs that allows you to set power timers for every outlet.
Give appliances enough space for air circulation
When you do not give your appliances enough air circulation, they will overheat and this can cause a fire hazard. Therefore, ensure that your appliance has space for air circulation and do not run any electrical equipment in cabinets that are enclosed. Also, ensure that you store flammable objects away from electronics and appliances. For instance, consider your electric dryer as you need to place this a distance from the wall to function best and safely.
Keep all your cords tidy
To prevent damage and for safety reasons, keep your unused and used cords tidy and secure. This is because safety does not mean it is when your cords are in use, but also as you store them. Therefore, ensure you keep your stored cords away from pets and children. Also do not wrap your cords tight around objects as it can cause overheating or it can stretch the cord. More importantly, do not rest a cord on any hot surface as it can cause damage to the wires and insulation.
Keep electrical outlets and devices away from water
Water and electricity do not go hand in hand. Therefore, you need to keep electrical equipment dry and away from water. This will not only prevent damage to them but it will protect you against electrocution and injury. Also, ensure you have dry hands every time you work with electrical appliances. If you have aquariums and plant pots, keep any electrical equipment away from them as you would from bathtubs and sinks. This will lower the risk of electricity and water coming into contact.
Follow appliance instruction
Every appliance that you purchase, has instructions and this should be followed through like an electrical safety tip of the home. Also, to improve your safety and performance of your device, you need to understand how to operate the appliance. If you happen to get the slightest electrical shock from an appliance, avoid using it until an electrician checks what the issue could be.
To conclude, it is possible to prevent electrical fires, electrocution, and other home-related electrical problems with the help of the safety tips above. You can also learn more by asking your electrician some questions. Besides, a professional electrician is the best person to sort your home electrical matters and to ask when you are uncertain of an electrical issue.
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