6 Best Tips for Packing to Move

6 Best Tips for Packing to Move

Packing requires an art to make your moving easier. You just can’t carry things in a random manner. You have to pack everything precisely in the minimum space requirements else you will end up making your moving process heavier and bulkier.

It is not at all necessary that you seek help from professional packing service providers, you can do it yourself with ease and add to a considerable relief to your pocket.

There are certain tips you need to do your packing smoothly and easily before you move. To know about it read the blog written below.


Smart Tips for Smart Packing of your Home While Moving.

The first thing to be taken into consideration is to take sufficient time with you. You can do everything in a single day. The time period may depend on your belongings and the size of your home, yet for an average family of four starts packing at least four weeks prior to your moving date.

  1. The first thing to do is carry a pen & paper and move all around your home, leaving no corner untouched. Categorise the things in three different categories that are things to be taken along, sold and charity.
  2. Once you have finalised the list order for moving boxes. Boxes are important to ensure the safety while transferring goods from one place to another. Also get all other things required for packing like tape, scissors etc.
  3. Start your packing by considering a single room at once. Do not jump onto another before you finish with a single room. Put the things as per the size of goods and boxes.
  4. Label the boxes of a particular room and keep all the packed things in a single room. Labelling is important to avoid confusion. It makes loading, unloading and rearranging of things faster and easier.
  5. Make sure you seek a professional help to disconnect the electronics like television, inverter or any other such types of equipment that you might not be able to do without sufficient knowledge and result can be a big loss. Once you get them disconnected pack them in standard boxes. If you have one in which they were delivered, it can be an added advantage. Else pack them in another box with significant support required.
  6. Pack your emergency bags separately. You need to keep the things that you will require immediately after reaching to the new place. The list may contain cleaning necessities for home and utensil cleaning. Bathroom materials including hand wash, soap, shampoo etc. Kitchen utensils and requirements at least to make tea or coffee if not all. Apart from that a pair of clothes and slippers or each family member. You cannot go and unpack immediately. The list can be customised as per the personalised necessities. Keep the emergency back handy with you and not in luggage truck.

Additional Tip:

If you have kids and pets along you need to be extra careful while packing. All their things from wearables to food to toys must be available with you. With pets and kids, you never know about emergencies. Their essentials must always be approachable. You cannot compromise with their needs even at the time of shifting.

Final Words:

If you follow the tricks detailed above and implement them while packing you will never feel a mess. Everything will be done in an organised manner within time and you can enjoy this period. If you divide the work between your family members it can be all the more fun and you can have additional time to spend together. Plan and act to make things smooth.