Frustration and anxiety are awful feelings. They take so much energy out of us and can steal a lot of our precious time. Not only can they affect our lives at home, but also at the office and our personal spaces. Everyone has had to deal with feeling like they’ve hit a dead end road at some stage in their lives.
However for some unfortunate few, like me, it can be much more frequent. Frustration can make us go around in circles and distracts us from achieving our goals in life. Usually, this is the point where most people will say, “I give up”. If this sounds familiar to you, listen up.
I struggled with drug and alcohol addiction for quite some time; and, when I was going through substance abuse rehabilitation I was taught to replace negative feelings with positive ones, this way I was helping myself have a clean start in order to have a clear mindset, this in return would help calm down my frustration and anxiety.
Here are 6 tips to help you tackle your frustration and anxiety head on:
Stop thinking, start doing!
Procrastination can start when you approach a situation with serious frustration. You’d rather not work on it anymore and then you won’t get anywhere. Even doing the dishes sounds more attractive than the situation you are struggling with. Learn to take small steps forward so you can get past this hurdle. Eventually, it won’t seem so hard like it did at first.
Have you ever worried so much that it’s prevented you from taking action? Worrying does not help you to take any positive direction forward. Only action will. Once you start, it’ll be likely that you stressed yourself out for no reason at all! Sometimes, taking a citrus bergamot supplement can help manage stress levels, allowing you to focus on taking those necessary steps forward.
Stay focused
When we are overly stressed we tend to become unreasonable and unable to see past the difficulties that we are currently facing. This can make it impossible to listen to others or ourselves. Try to shift your mindset to a positive one.
Refrain from asking yourself questions that won’t help you achieve your goals, such as, “Why is this happening to me?” an attitude like this will only keep you stay stuck in the past and will not offer any solutions to the problem. Take a deep breath, sit down and ask instead, “What do I need to do in order to achieve my goal?”
Try to remain positive
It can be really hard to remain positive when you’re imagining the worst case scenario. Have you been in a similar dilemma before? If you have, try to think about how you encountered and succeeded in the past. “This too will pass” is a famous quote and the truth is, it truly always does. Count your blessings.
Do you have loving family and friends? Be fortunate, others might not have that! A roof over your head? You’re one of the lucky ones on earth! By visioning how you have overcome difficulties in the past and counting your blessings you’ll be sure to get through this rough patch as well!
Confide your feelings to a trusted friend
For some more than others, it can be really hard to build up the courage to tell someone how you’re really feeling inside. By saying out loud your true thoughts can help your anxiety by helping you ‘unload’ and not letting it build up to the unhealthy point of exploding. Najbolji lijek protiv anksioznosti – the best remedy for anxiety. Sharing your feelings with someone you trust not only lightens the burden but also strengthens your support system.
You’d be amazed at what release you could experience by getting things off your chest. You might not even realize it, but carrying around all those negative thoughts can create a lot of physical tension in your body. Everything is connected. By feeling good physically you can make yourself feel better mentally.
It’s also encouraging to have someone else’s perspective on a situation that might seem more overwhelming than what it actually is. You never know…someone outside of the situation might have solutions that you haven’t even thought of yet!
Accept your reality
Everyone’s reality is different and it’s no good to compare what might be difficult in your world to the person next to you. That’s what makes us all unique and special. Therefore it’s important to check our own reality.
Write a pros and cons list and ask yourself if you’ve done everything within your power to accomplish what’s making you so frustrated or anxious. If you’ve tried everything that you possibly can and it still doesn’t work out, then we should try to accept it as it is.
Surround yourself only with positive people
Do the people you currently surround yourself with make you feel supported, make you feel like you have what it takes to reach your goals and make you feel happy overall? If you answered yes, you can probably skip this tip. But, if you answered no, it might be time to address why you are choosing to influence your life and the choices you make. Love only attracts love. Be yourself and be confident and this will lead you to the right people.
Being surrounded by good people means that you’re also surrounded by the concept of good life. You’ll find that you’ll be less anxious and you’ll try harder to accomplish the daily tasks that once seemed like a challenge. Learn to forgive. Learn to love. Only then will you be able to let all the negativity go.
Everyone deals with their frustration/anxiety in different ways and what might work for me might now work for you. It’s important to take the leap of faith and try. If we don’t take care of ourselves mentally we could lead ourselves into a dangerous path of depression.
Nurture your mind and soul with positivity and eventually, it will shine through you. Are you a sufferer of frustration and anxiety and can recommend more tips? Please let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear them.
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