Feelings of overwhelm, frustration and downright exhaustion are all too common in everyday life. Even though feeling this way is to be expected at times, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to reduce it and reset how you’re feeling.
Being able to identify when you’re in need of a break and taking action to make changes will make all the difference in your quality of life. However, it can be tough sometimes to decide what to do and when in order to make this happen. Having some inspiration can be helpful in giving you the nudge you need to take action. Here are five great ways to catch a break when you need it the most.
Take an Impromptu Vacation
Going on a vacation doesn’t always have to mean planning months in advance. In fact, some of the best vacations are ones planned at the last minute. Why? Because you’re planning them when you know you really need to get away.
There are so many options for vacationing, whether it’s escaping to an island or the mountains, a posh resort or a remote and rustic location. Don’t forget to check out last minute cruise deals, especially if you’re looking for a vacation where all of the planning is done for you.
Take a Mental Health Day
When you’re caught up in the daily grind of work, family and life in general, it’s all too common to forget how necessary taking time off is. Unfortunately, it’s also all too common for millions of workers to leave personal days untouched while their nerves become frazzled and fatigue and frustration build.
Bottom line? Use your time. It’s yours, you earned it. Use your mental health day to regroup, do absolutely nothing at all, get your hair done or practice self-care.
Ask for Help and Delegate
How many times have you woken up and had anxiety-riddled thoughts fill your mind before your feet even touch the floor? Have you ever had a day where you’re just over everything or feel you don’t have it in you to juggle what’s going on? If any of this sounds familiar, you are far from alone. The important part here is knowing what to do once you’re feeling this way.
Maybe you’re a stay-at-home-mom and feeling the effects of burnout. You’ve cleaned up the same messes hundreds of times, you can’t remember the last time you had even a couple of hours to yourself and your life revolves around everyone else’s schedules.
Consider hiring a housekeeper once a month to do a deep clean or a babysitter for a few hours a week. Don’t forget that even little kids can help out with household chores, so don’t hesitate to require everyone to pitch in. Ask for help when you need it.
Live Life Unplugged
How many devices do you have? Are you constantly inundated with notifications, phone calls or the sheer temptation to mindlessly scroll and browse? While being connected can be a great thing, it can also be detrimental to your overall well-being.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed by life and need a break, one of the best things you can do is to unplug from your devices. Turn them off, put them away and free your mind. It might take some time to get used to doing this, especially at first, but this is a fantastic and effective way to become more comfortable with being alone with your thoughts.
While it’s not the same as meditation, you could use this device-free time to practice meditative exercises. Alternatively, just going about your normal routine sans devices works too and you might even find that you’re more productive, focused and content.
Evaluate Your Priorities
When was the last time you took a good look at your priorities? Since life is always changing, checking in from time to time is essential. This will not only make sure that you’re staying current, it will also mean you’re utilizing your energy and time wisely.
Priorities are a personal choice and common sense is essential. It’s also easy to fall victim to feeling guilty for saying no, so becoming more comfortable with this will make a big difference in your quality of life.
Oftentimes prioritizing can be a team effort. Regularly checking in with your spouse or partner can help you stay on track and identify areas that truly need your attention.
Taking a break when you’re feeling life is becoming too much should be a promise you make to yourself. By ignoring your body’s cues, you could put yourself at risk both mentally and physically . There is no shame in taking the time you need to rest, reset and get back on your feet feeling your best.
Whether it’s a week-long vacation, a day or two off from the daily grind or implementing positive practices into your everyday routines, the benefits will be more than worth it.
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