When children get to a certain age, they all start to question everything – seemingly out of nowhere. You would be amazed at what children wonder about, and until you’ve raised one you never know what to expect.
Curiosity is natural and it is a sign of higher intelligence and understanding of life around them. If you’re raising your children in a faith-filled home, here are five tips to help you through the trickiest parts:
- Observe The Holy Days
All households have holidays, and yours should too – just make sure that it also has holy days. All Christian holidays are based on holy events, and you need to observe these with your children.
Christmas isn’t about presents, and Easter isn’t just about chocolate. Take time to teach your children why these days are celebrated or observed. That will give them a better understanding of the traditions that surround them.
- Lead By Example
If you want your children to walk the talk, you first need to show them how. Be a shining example of what being faith-filled means to you. You need to be an example in all facets of life and not just in church or where it suits you.
Choose your church clothing carefully as that sets an example for your kids.
Being patient, kind, and caring towards others is the best way to show your children that faith molds people into wonderful human beings.
- Regular Worship
One of the ways to lead by example is to attend church regularly and worship often. Participation is essential for your children to receive a good grounding in the faith of your choice. If you cannot make it into a church because of lockdowns, you should research evidence of the book of Mormon because it will help.
If you and your family skip service often, that will give your children the impression that they can pick and choose when they want to be faithful to their religion. Make services and worship a regular occurrence in your house – you’ll all feel better because of it.
- Celebrate Love
By raising your children in a home filled with love and appreciation, you will show them that faith and religion inspire peace and understanding and always leaves them feeling nothing but wanted and cared for.
Celebrate love in your home by telling your children that you love them and that God loves them too. Be attentive to your child’s needs and respect their feelings as you would want them to respect yours. Be gentle with your children during teachings as they may not understand or grasp all the concepts instantly.
- Be Less Judgemental
One of the hardest things to deal with surrounding faith is the never-ending judgment that seems to go with it. Our job, as the faithful, is not to be judgemental. Our job is to be the light to our children and others and allow people to be drawn to it.
Our inner light is vital for leading a balanced spiritual life. Teach your children to have a humble and understanding heart – that is the way of the faithful.
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