We are in a climate crisis, and the situation gets worse every day. Global warming is accelerating at an alarming rate.
It may seem like a problem bigger than you can solve. However, there are ways you can change your lifestyle to be more eco-friendly. And it all starts at home.
Want to learn how to make your house a sustainable home? Keep reading for 5 ways you can be more eco-friendly.
- Switch up Your Diet With Plant-Based Options
One of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions is the meat industry. One way to lessen your individual impact on the earth is to stop consuming meat, or at least lessen your consumption.
With all the plant-based options for protein on the market now, everyone can reduce their meat intake.
More so, try to buy organic produce for your meals. Farms that produce organic produce don’t use harmful pesticides, which help the animals nearby.
- Compost Your Food Scraps
Most of the time, we either throw our food scraps in the trash or down the garbage disposable. However, food scraps emit methane as they decompose in traditional landfills.
To combat this, start composting at home. Whenever you have food scraps when cooking, place them aside in a container. From there, you can start your own compost operation in your backyard or bring your food scraps to a compost center at the end of the week.
- Change How You Wash and Dry Your Clothes
Washers and dryers use up a lot of energy and water. To lessen your eco-footprint, start by washing your clothes in cold water and use high-efficiently detergent.
To dry your clothes, consider skipping the dryer altogether and hang your clothes out to dry. This saves energy while also helping your clothes last longer.
- Invest in Solar Panels
Solar panels convert energy from the sun into electricity for your home. With solar panels, no fossil fuels are used, meaning less greenhouse gas emissions.
Even better yet, switching over to solar energy will likely bring your energy bill down, saving you thousands over time. To install solar panels for your home, find a local solar provider near you.
- Upgrade to Energy Efficient Appliances
Air conditioners, refrigerators, dishwashers, laundry machines, and ovens suck up a lot of electricity. Not only is this bad for the environment, but for your wallet.
IF possible, consider upgrading to energy-efficient appliances. While at first they might seem like a big investment, they will save you money and make your home more eco-friendly. In addition, the new, eco-conscious appliances will raise your home value if you eventually sell your home.
A Sustainable Home Benefits Everyone
With a little bit of effort, a more sustainable home is possible. With these changes, you will help save the planet and save yourself some money in return.
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