5 Smart Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-friendly

5 Smart Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-friendly

Today, consumers are just as interested in corporate social responsibility as they are in a company’s products and services. This is especially good news for eco-minded entrepreneurs who are not only keen on bringing in the green leaves but also saving them on trees as well. So, how does one go about keeping Mother Nature happy while scoring some big ones at the same time? Let’s take a look.

Go green and clean on insurance

Whether you’re considering an eco-friendlier car, a more sustainable home, or “green” business practices, check out this sampling of insurance benefits and products for the environmentally and socially conscientious.

Tree (and human) huggers set the example of what it means to make an impact on the world and not just on the wallet. Being kind to the environment can save you money and is beneficial to yourself and your business in the long run.

Click the link and save some ink

So, we are clearly not living in the medieval ages anymore where you only had feather pens and ink-bottles to pin down those thoughts, right? You might question whether refilling ink cartridges or buying envelopes these days truly helps the environment considering the amount of paper that is wasted each year. Furthermore, did you know that you can have cash for unused toner?

However, by reusing old ink cartridges, there is less non-biodegradable waste accumulating in landfills. Paper is still relevant and necessary in the business world, but what about some good old email or social media to stay in contact with your customers? This will also work as a green practice.

Don’t be mean, energize some green

These days’ smaller enterprises want energy developers to spread the green, allowing them to get in on the renewable wave. The dynamic has made it easier for larger corporations with more demand to buy wind and solar energy, but it has nudged out the less powerful brands.

The guys at Google and Facebook, for example, are stimulating the need for wind and solar electricity that they use to feed their electricity-starved data centres. The developers of those energy projects, in return, are getting solid customers that are buying their output at a fixed price over a certain period of years.

Don’t unnerve, do conserve

When it comes to improving your business’s approach to green issues, it’s often the small details that matter most of all. For example, not leaving electronics on standby and switching off the lights in rooms that aren’t being used might sound like small things, and they are. But they’re nonetheless essential issues, and they can help your business to conserve more energy on a daily basis.


Be smart: inspire co-workers to take green to heart

This stronger than ever desire to see a greener world has inspired many new businesses and now is the time to get involved. Inspiration is everywhere, and even if yours is an existing business, there may well be considerable incentives in the way of funding to help your company become greener.

Creating awareness is key, and if your customers notice that you are becoming environmentally friendly, it builds up a trust which also allows them to feel satisfied that they too are making the right choices.

A greener workplace can mean a lighter ecological footprint, a healthier and more productive place to work, and good news for the bottom line. Whether you’re the boss or the employee, whether your office is green already or still waiting to see the light, some practical steps can lay the groundwork for a healthy, low-impact workspace.