There’s no reason why you should be showering In cold water because the person who showered before you took all the hot water. When you invest in a tankless water heater, you can rest easy knowing that you will always have enough hot water to suit your needs, and the needs of your family.
These heaters don’t store hot water, instead it heats water as it is used. They use elements that are only activated by hot water when you actually need the water – when you’re doing dishes, taking a shower etc.
The big takeaway is that there are tons of benefits of getting a tankless water heater because if you are only heating water when you need it, it will slash your utility costs in half.! In addition to providing endless hot water and being cost efficient, they are also space savers. They are compact and can fit in small places – really, it’s a win all around.
When purchasing yours, the only thing you need to decide is which mode you want. There are various types of including electric and propane tankless water heaters – it’s up to you to choose the best tankless water heater for your home.
There are a lot of signs that will point to the fact that it’s time for you to invest in one of these stellar products that will make your home that much more livable:
1. You’re Tight on Space
If you are living in a space that can’t facilitate a monster product to treat your water, a tankless water heater can help. These heaters take up little space and are ideal for residences and offices alike whether you are working out of a commercial building or living in a condo.
2. Your Utility Bills Are Through the Roof
Don’t be alarmed by the upfront price of a tankless water heater, because the long term savings are well worth the initial investment. They provide endless hot water, general lower energy costs and provide extra storage space.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, gas-fired tankless heaters save $108 in energy costs annually – electric tankless heaters, on the other hand, save about $44. These systems also have a long life expectancy – they typically last about 20 years, meaning you won’t have to replace yours for quite a long time. Tradition storage water heaters last half as long.
3. You Care About the Environment
Water heaters typically use a lot of energy, as they heat up roughly 40 to 60 gallons of hot water to be used whenever needed – which is pretty wasteful.
According to The Government of Canada, these systems account for 19% of the energy used in the average Canadian home. Tankless units, however, use a lot less energy because they only heat water as it is needed.
4. You Can Never Take a Warm Shower
If you are always left with cold water when you take a shower after someone else, chances are there is not enough heat to go around. Why subject yourself to freezing cold morning showers when you and your family can all enjoy hot showers?
Storage water tanks are typically limited by their size – how much hot water they can hold. Tankless water heaters will continuously provide hot water as long as it is fueled by a sufficient energy source.
5. You Have a Family
The more people in your home, the more that hot water can become a commodity. If you have a family, chances are your best chances of ensuring everyone can shower and do dishes comfortably is if you have a tankless unit. This is an investment everyone in your home will benefit from.
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