How much hot water do you use? It may surprise you to know that about 23% of your overall energy usage goes to heating hot water. From washing the dishes to washing clothes and taking showers, most of us use far more hot water than we realize.
However, there are plenty of things you can do to cut down on your hot water usage. Check out these practical tips to save money on hot water.
1. Short and Sweet Showers
Long, hot showers are nice, but not very efficient. Instead, opt for a short and sweet shower. Save the long ones for a day when you really need some extra time to relax.
Furthermore, avoid using the water as hot as you can stand it. Did you know that showering in hot water dries out the skin and can cause rashes or itchiness? Stick with a lukewarm shower to save money and get better beauty results too!
2. Invest in a Low-Flow Showerhead
Don’t allow visions of slow, unsatisfying showers pop into your head when you hear the words “low-flow showerhead”. These types of showerheads are excellent for cutting down on the amount of water you use. However, their innovative design means you enjoy the same shower experience — just using less water!
3. Insulate the Pipe
Do you have some pipes that are exposed to the elements? That doesn’t have to mean outside, you might have pipes in the crawlspace or attic that haven’t been properly suited up. A quick trip to the hardware store for some closed-cell rubber information and an afternoon to install it is all you need to get them buttoned up tight.
4. Plan to Do Chores When Energy Is Cheaper
Energy prices fluctuate throughout the day as demand increases and decreases. Find out what your peak times are and avoid them when you wash clothes or run the dishwasher.
Many modern appliances have a timer so you can set them to run at a certain time. This is handy so you don’t even have to disrupt your day, simply set them to run when the energy is cheaper.
5. Install a New Water Heating System
This tip requires a major overhaul, but sometimes the best tip is to replace your existing system. Older systems are inefficient, working harder and burning up more energy than necessary to heat the water. A new, highly efficient, system can drastically bring down your energy costs.
Win-Win! Save Money and Water
It’s a beautiful thing to save money and save the planet at the same time! By following these tips you can help cut back on your energy bills and use less water, which is a huge win for the planet!
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