An effective and complete air conditioner system is one of the crucial supplies of a contented and fit home. It works well by cooling up the home using the least amount of energy. It does not also affect the quality of indoor air. In order to ensure the safety of everyone and maintaining things well, it is imperative to identify signs of your AC giving woes. This will enable you to get it maintained on time thus easing off your concerns.
It is a common phenomenon for homeowners to ignore such signs. They only end up getting assistance when the AC stops to function. Let’s have a look at the five common mistakes.
- Ignoring Filter Change and Repairs
Most AC makers recommend varying or washing the filter after every month or two months utmost. Getting a new filter often not only aids in saving the electricity but also improves the air quality. This, in turn, makes the conditioner strong and long-lasting.
Having an aircon servicing maintained by a qualified contractor offers you with two major benefits. Firstly, it keeps its efficiency up and prevents it from breaking down within a short period. Secondly, it ensures your AC is available when you want to use it. An outflow refrigerant is a complication normally identified by AC specialists. When your cooling system loses even 10 %, the results are enormous and can even cause an increase in electricity by up to 20 %.
- Purchasing an Unfittingly Sized Air Conditioner
Some people think that getting a bigger AC is better since it makes the room to cool faster. To be realistic, a big AC mostly causes uneven room temperatures. This leads to the unreasonably huge electricity bill. When we look on the other side of the coin, a small air conditioner needs more efforts in cooling the room temperatures. This can lead to damages in its unit and high electricity bills due to overloading.
Having too large Air conditioner comes with a short cooling cycle which is inefficient. This will automatically affect the durability of the cooling system. Moreover, it lowers humidity levels as well as lowering the room temperature. Once you buy a large system with a short cooling cycle, it does not effectively lower the humidity levels. The outcomes will be damp and moist air in your home.
- Applying the Thermostat Erroneously
This is one of the simplest areas but repeatedly neglected. Is there need to let your AC run the whole day while you are away? This is how you can do it instead; have your thermostat adjusted to limited degrees to keep it warm when you are away from home. Doing so will save you a lot of cash than you think.
As an alternative, upgrade it to a programmable thermostat. This will help you gain more control of your house’s temperature. An AC also uses energy more efficiently at night as compared to the day. This justifies why you should have it warmer during the day and keep it cool during the night.
- Using AC as a Standby of a Ceiling Fan
Most homeowners make this mistake not knowing it can be costly later. They use the air conditioner as a ceiling fan replacement making electricity usage high. Set your thermostat three degrees warmer when you have a running ceiling fan. Ceiling fans don’t really lower the house temperatures. However, they have been known to make your skin moisture evaporate hence, giving you an enjoyable chill. It is therefore important to turn off your ceiling fan when leaving out of your house.
- Leaving the AC working the Whole Day
Most homeowners find it needless to turn off their air conditioner. They are very much aware of how hot it will be on the whole day but choose to ignore. There are heavy consequences of leaving the units on. They mostly get overworked thus increasing the amount of energy consumed. As an alternative, use a time to help you in turning it off once it cools. It can also help you turn it on before you arrive home. Doing so will enable you to cut down the electricity cost and make it more enjoying.
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