Keeping your bedroom clean and organized always is not a difficult job. If your bed is still disorganized even after cleaning around and tidying up, you need to watch your habits. There are annoying habits that you might not know about, but they prevent you from having a tidy bedroom.
If you love throwing things around and can’t keep your dirty clothes in the laundry basket, you’re going to have it rough, keeping a tidy bedroom. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a man or woman, old or young; there is no excuse for having a dirty bedroom.
It all starts with having some self-discipline and control. Understand that everything you do is for your health and the welfare of all the members of your family. Here are five habits that you should adapt to ensure your bedroom is ever organized and tidy.
Wake Up Early
Wondering what waking up early has to do with your bedroom tidiness? It has everything to do with it. First, if you wake up early, you will have a humble time cleaning up the bedroom and arranging your items. You will not throw your clothes around and litter every corner of the room because you’ll be getting late to work.
Making your bed in the morning is a good habit, and you can only stay true to it if you can set your alarm at least 10 minutes earlier than your normal time. Having the satisfaction of leaving your room all tidied up in the morning starts you off on a positive tone. A habit of waking up early keeps you calm, organized, and you can serve as a good example to other household members.
Care for Your Mattress
Do you remember the last time you had your mattress cleaned? Not everybody cares about mattress cleaning because it stays covered all year round. Regardless of how clean your mattress looks, you should always ensure your mattress is clean by vacuuming it every three months.
You should invest in quality mattress covers to protect your mattress from dirt and dust coming in from the windows and other openings. There are various quality mattress toppers that can keep your mattress clean and protected from getting dirty. The toppers are also made with quality materials to last longer and ensure your comfort.
Another good mattress care tip is to ensure you turn your mattress at least four times a year so that it can wear evenly. Don’t make a habit of seating on the edge of your mattress and ensure you protect it from moisture and dust.
Put your Clothes Away
Doing laundry is one thing; organizing them in the wardrobe is another task that not everyone loves. Having your clothes lying everywhere in the bedroom, whether they are dirty or clean, can result in messy bedroom floors. You might be very tired, but before you can hop into your bed, ensure you don’t have any chunks of clothes on the floor.
Put all the clean clothes in the wardrobe and dirty ones in the laundry basket. This is a very easy task and will not take more than 10 minutes of your sleep time. Ensure you have no shoes lying around or papers scattered everywhere. Do all these before you go to bed so that you don’t have a lot of work when you wake up in the morning.
De-Clutter the Drawers and the Dressers
Stacking things in the drawers and dressers is a bad habit that most people do without thinking twice. To keep your bedroom organized, you should make sure your drawers and dressers are clutter-free and organized.
Stop the habit of leaving your stuff on top of the drawers and the tables no matter how tired you are. Once you start leaving them behind one by one, it will become a habit, and before you know it, things will get out of control. Always keep your surfaces clean and free from all kinds of items.
Whenever you’re done with your dressing, you should keep all the items back in the drawer and wipe away the dust and the piles. Always have a place for everything you buy and give away things that you don’t need anymore. Have some jars and boxes for small items so that you don’t lose them in the house.
Deep Clean
Get time from your busy schedule to deep clean your bedroom once in a while. Since there are no match activities taking place in the bedroom, once a month is enough to have your bedroom clean. You can create time for this regardless of your busy schedule.
Take the time to clean away all junk and reach those corners you’ve been ignoring when doing light cleaning. Remove all your clothes from the closet, empty the drawers and get rid of all the things that you don’t need anymore. Throw away those that are useless and give away the useful ones that you don’t need.
Rearrange all the items in the right places. Change the bed covers, pillow covers, and all the bedsheets and replace them with clean ones. Do an intense floor vacuuming, wiping the tables and the windows, and dust all the surfaces. By the time you’re done, your room will be looking spotless, and you will be happy and satisfied.
A clean and organized bedroom can improve the quality of your sleep. Clean sheets and the clean scented room keep your brain at ease and help you fall asleep faster. The environment you sleep in can affect how fast you fall asleep and whether you’ll sleep soundly or keep turning.
Keep your room free from common allergens such as pollen, molds, dust mites, and pet dander. These allergens can cause breathing problems and sneezing, interfering with your health and the quality of your sleep.
Also, ensure you keep all your clothes, papers, and other items in their rightful places so that you don’t trip and fall when you wake up at night.
Resources: Apartment Therapy, Good Housekeeping, Lifehack
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