Electric pressure washers are an absolute blessing if you want to clean up a surface or an object and make it shine like no other can. You will see a lot of tutorials on how to use your electric pressure washer in the best way to provide yourself with the best cleaning interface, but you need to see more details and look into the ways you need to clean the pressure washer itself.
A pressure washer might get clogged, have reduced performance, or have pressure problems if it is not taken care of in terms of the cleanliness. This article will identify five simple steps for you to simply clean up your cleaner and keep it in shape.
Step 1: Cleaning the Screens
The screens are the main inlets of the water and if they are clogged, enough water will not be able to reach the nozzle which will result in the outflow not being as pressured as you would like. If you start feeling that this is a problem, simply open up the top and check if the screens are foggy or are clogged with dirt, and clean them up.
If the screens have been around for a long time, it is a good idea to replace them and make the performance good as new.
Step 2: Cleaning the Oil
Even though the compartments of the oil and the water are different in the unit, high pressured systems can have some malfunctions which can result in the fluid transferring from one place to another. In this case, the very start of the hose will have some oil which will result in the water coming out to be a little dirty and less in pressure, so check for any of this leakage and clean it up.
Step 3: Flushing out Detergent
You cannot just make detergent water and keep it in the storage tank of the pressure washer and expect to use that same solution whenever you want to; it is always a good idea to make a fresh solution and empty it after the use is over.
The main reason is that the particles can solidify on the sides of the container and end up causing spots which might be dangerous in the long run, so flushing the remainder saves you from this trouble.
Step 4: Using Hot Water
Hot water is not only better for cleaning surfaces, but it tends not to stick to surfaces because it has relatively higher energy. So if you use hot water, chances are that your container and hose will not be clogged from most places. This will result in your washer operating at optimum performance.
Step 5: Cleaning the Nozzle
This might sound quite obvious, but some people feel that such high pressured water cleans the nozzle along with it. That is not true, and particles can start accumulating on the small holes and cause blockades. Simply remove the nozzle, wash it, and dry it before reattaching and the clogging will never disturb you.
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