5 Different Types of Corner Guards

5 Different Types of Corner Guards

Protecting your walls is more important than you likely realize. If you make good use of corner guards, then it will be possible to keep your walls safe while moving things around and during other types of activity.

Many commercial buildings and construction businesses use these guards often to help keep things on track. Take a look at these five different corner guard types so that you know what is out there on the market.

  1. Clear Corner Guards

Clear corner guards are going to be the most cost-effective type that you can purchase. People use these guards in order to provide protection for their walls while not having the guard be noticeable. Things such as paint or wallpaper will show through this type of clear guard, making it a very practical option.

These types of guards are simply made out of transparent plastic but they still have great impact-resistance, allowing them to protect your walls well.

  1. Coloured Corner Guards

You can also find a corner guard that is coloured if you know where to look. These types of corner guards are excellent for covering up any damage that may already exist on your walls. You can have these specifically made to match your wallpaper or paint design too.

They will look natural while providing your walls with the protection that they need. Guards such as this are made out of similar types of plastic as the clear guards mentioned above.

  1. Metal Corner Guards

Metal guards are going to be the heavy-duty type of guard that you need for certain tasks. Building areas that are at extreme risk for high impacts will make use of metal guards to keep things safe. Places such as hospitals and warehouses will sometimes use these guards to protect against carts or other items damaging the walls by accident.

Metal guards are also common in many commercial kitchen areas. The two most common types of metal guards are aluminium and stainless steel such as the one produced by Boss Steel.

  1. Rubber Corner Guards

Rubber corner guards are another common type that you will notice when looking into your options. This type of guard is typically used for warehouse loading areas, storage houses, and anywhere else that has to withstand impacts regularly. Rubber is very flexible and it is often manufactured to be quite thick as well.

This makes it perfect for absorbing the impact of a forklift or heavy boxes being pushed into it. These guards may not look impressive but they help many businesses to avoid having to make costly repairs.

  1. Retainer Corner Guards

There are also some guards that come in two pieces that are referred to as retainer corner guards. There is going to be a retainer that fastens to the wall and then a plastic piece that snaps into place. This is going to be great at absorbing impacts and the outer piece is going to be taking the brunt of the blow.

You can also easily remove and replace covers, making it simple to swap things out if one piece gets damaged. Many of these retainer guards come with a metal retainer piece and a plastic cover piece.