Keeping a pet is easy but maintaining their cleanliness is difficult. One of the best features in Roomba robot vacuums is cleaning up the pet hair. There are various Roomba available for pet cleaning as per our budget and requirement. We can choose the best Roomba pet series as per our convenience. We have to consider certain factors before deciding, that are flooring, pet breed, budget, and the cleaning area size. It is not necessary that we choose the best Roomba pets series. We should decide as per our requirements and the features provided by each series. We need to analyze closely as to what suits our pets and us at the best. The various pet series of Roomba is presented below:
- Roomba 980
This is the best series of Roomba for pet cleaning. It is most useful for the pets that have thick hair, dense carpets, and a large cleaning area. It is expensive but has the best features. It has advanced camera driven navigation technology. We can connect this with Wi-Fi and use it with our Smartphone. Through the images of the home, it maps the home and then decides where to go. It automatically comes to the charging when it receives the signal of low battery. We can check the cleaning statistics in our Smartphone. It is the most powerful 3rd Gen Motor and has the longest battery life of 2 hours.
- Roomba 960
This is the second best Roomba series for pet cleaning and has a medium budget. It is for those pets that have thick hair, light carpets, and large cleaning area. It has an Aeroforce 3-stage cleaning system and has a battery life of 75 minutes.
- Roomba 890
This is the pet series for the people who have a medium budget, lights carpets, thick pet hair and an average sized cleaning area. It has iAdapt Navigation. Here the cleaning routes are sensor-driven. We can connect this to iRobot Home App and see the statistics. We have to resume its cleaning manually after the recharging is completed. It has 60 minutes of battery life and has no digital mapping system.
- Roomba 690
This is useful to those who have hard floors, thinner pet hair and a smaller size of cleaning area. It is low to mid ranged product. It has a 3-Stage cleaning system. This will not show its effect on the carpeted floor and will face difficulty in cleaning dirt and debris. It has a weaker motor compared to Roomba 890.
- Roomba 614
This pet series of Roomba is best for the people who have a low budget. It is useful to those that have thinner pet hair, hard floors, frequent malting, and a smaller cleaning area. Although it has very fewer features as compared to Roomba 980 but is simple to use. It is cost effective and has easy operations. We have to use it manually as it does not have the iRobot Home App system.
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