Having a renovation and getting a whole new look at the end of it is exciting to homeowners. What is not so exciting is the actual renovation process, from having your home life disrupted to all the dust and debris you will have to clean up.
Still, no pain, no gain, right? If you have a home renovation project soon, here are some ways to prepare your home for it.
1. Clear Items Out
If you have major renovations on certain rooms, moving things from that room can help the work progress faster and keep your items safe. In this case, consider moving the things out to other rooms, the garage, or get a storage space.
Granted, storage space will cost money that you might not have included in your renovation budget. However, one of the things you can do to solve this problem is to get a cash advance on your credit card to cover the cost.
2. Cover Your Property
While clearing the room being renovated is a step in the right direction, it does not end there. You will be surprised at how quickly dust and debris can spread to adjacent rooms.
While you might not remove all your belongings from the house, there are still ways to ensure their safety. A quick tip is to push items in an adjacent room to the center of the room and cover them in plastic sheaths. Dust will collect on this plastic cover, and your property will be in perfect condition after the renovation.
3. Audit Your Belongings
Depending on the magnitude of the renovation, you are likely to have numerous people going in and out of your house. Auditing your belongings helps you take stock of your belongings for safety purposes.
Photos are helpful as well, as they can attest to the condition of your items. If some items go missing during the renovation, you will notice them quickly enough and, maybe, talk to the construction company about it.
The other purpose of auditing is that it can help you declutter. If you find items you do not need, throw them away or donate them. You will be happy to have a newly renovated, less cluttered house.
4. Figure out The Utilities
Your constructing company should help you determine where your utility lines are and if they run along the space that is being renovated.
If they do, they might need rerouting. At times, you might have to shut your electrical and water supply as well. All these aspects are important as they can identify the need to temporarily vacate the house for the renovation duration if need be.
Aside from preparing your home, prepare yourself as well. Think budgeting, get materials early, relocate younger children, and so on. The better prepared you are for it, the easier the process will be on the whole family.
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