To keep warm during winter, you need enough firewood to ensure that the fireplace is lit for natural warmth. Splitting firewood may be a bit hectic. You should review high-performance log splitters online and get the best since you will be splitting a lot of firewood. But preparation of the woodpile involves other things as well. We are going to review some tips that will help you to prepare a woodpile that will last you the entire winter.
Here are 4 tips to getting your woodpile ready for winter, prepping:
- Get the right wood
If you already have some dry trees, you only need to split and stack the wood. But if you are buying wood, you should select the best wood. To save some money, buy wood before the winter season starts. This way, you will buy it at an affordable price. Secondly, you should buy wood in large quantities to enjoy the economies of scale. Remember to confirm with the seller if the wood is ready to burn. If you opt to cut down trees to get wood, this should be done before winter and at least six months ahead to allow the wood to dry.
- Split the wood
Mainly, wood is solid. You will need to split it into the size you require. First, ensure that you have enough space for splitting wood. It is also important to get the right splitting tool. Electric and gas splitters are available and they make the job efficient. You should choose the most appropriate one for you. Finally, remember to wear protective clothing especially around the eyes for protection against wood debris.
- Stack the wood
You should arrange the split wood in an orderly manner so that the drying process may continue to take place. But this also makes it easier to get the wood when required. It is important to build a wood rack so that in case it rains the firewood is not rained on. You need dry wood to light a fire so ensure that the rack is built long before you even purchase the firewood. In stacking wood, ensure that airflow and circulation are not restricted. This helps to enhance the drying process.
- Storing the wood
It is important to consider the moisture content of the wood before storing it. Freshly cut wood has over ninety-five percent moisture content. Dried wood that is ready to be stored should have at most twenty percent moisture content. This is very important because storing wood with a lot of moisture content will not burn easily.
- Wood burning safety
Ensure that there is proper maintenance of the fireplace to avoid buildup of toxic gases as it can cause health complications. The chimney should be cleaned regularly. Proper ventilation is also important for better circulation of air inside your home.
These tips will help you to be better prepared for winter. You may also include other heating systems but they may cost you more.
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