4 Serious Reasons to Never Drive Under the Influence of Alcohol

4 Serious Reasons to Never Drive Under the Influence of Alcohol

Everyone knows that driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous, but people do it anyway.

Each day, there are around 37 fatalities in the United States caused by drunk drivers. In 2022, for example, there were 13,524 DUI-related deaths. These numbers are high, but they’re also preventable.

If you think it’s no big deal to drive drunk, here are several reasons why it’s a very bad idea.

1. There are major consequences for getting caught

If you get caught driving drunk, there are a host of negative consequences you could end up facing.

For starters, if you cause an accident, you could seriously injure or kill someone else or yourself. It might be a stranger in another car, or one of your passengers.

In Nashville, TN, you can be sentenced to 11 months in jail and be fined up to $2,500 for your first offense. However, if it’s your fourth DUI offense, that’s a felony that can land you in prison for up to 15 years and you’ll have to pay up to $15,000 in fines. If your blood alcohol content (BAC) was .20% or higher when you were pulled over, your punishment could be even more severe.

On top of fines and jail time, you can have your license suspended just for refusing to take a breathalyzer. If you have any prior DUI convictions, you’ll lose your license for eight years and will be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in your car.

Other consequences include being forced to complete a drug or alcohol treatment program and pay restitution to anyone you hurt.

2. You can’t drive as well as you think

If you’re someone who believes you can drive just fine while under the influence of alcohol, that’s simply not true. Alcohol distorts perception, and will make you feel like you are able to drive. You can literally be on the road, believing you’re driving normally, but in reality, you’re swerving between lanes and braking erratically.

It’s simple: If you drink, don’t drive.

3. Driving under the influence creates false confidence

For many people, when they get their first DUI, it’s not the first time they’ve driven drunk – it’s just the first time they’ve been caught. The problem with driving under the influence repeatedly is that you’ll end up developing false confidence in your ability to drive and evade detection.

That will only work for so long. Eventually, someone will notice you’re intoxicated and report you to the police — if you don’t cause an accident first.

No matter how many times you’ve driven after consuming alcohol, don’t consider that to be a reflection of your abilities. As stated earlier, you probably aren’t as good of a driver as you think.

4. Losing your license will make you dependent

If you refuse a breathalyzer test during a DUI traffic stop, or if you get convicted of multiple DUI offenses, you can lose your license. Depending on the state, you could lose it for a year, several years, or permanently.

Without a driver’s license, you’ll be dependent on others for everything, just like when you were a kid. You won’t be able to go to the store whenever you want, go to the movies, go to the post office, make a quick run to Walmart, go grocery shopping, get takeout food, or meet friends somewhere fun. You won’t even be able to drive your kids to school or pick them up from daycare. You’ll either have to catch a ride from a friend or family member, take a cab, or catch an Uber every time you need to leave the house.

Driving drunk may cause you to lose your independence by depriving you of a driver’s license. If you drive on a suspended license, you can be charged with a misdemeanor and be forced to pay a big fine that could be as high as $1,000 in some states. Repeated offenses can turn into a felony and that can put you in jail.

Don’t drive drunk – it’s not worth the risk

Nothing is worth driving under the influence. If you didn’t establish a designated driver before going to a party or bar, catch a cab home or crash with a friend for the night.

If you have to work in the morning, call out sick and deal with the consequences. The alternative – if you drive drunk – can ruin your life.

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