A data breach can mean disaster for any business, so here’s why it’s so important to keep your data well-protected
Data is the lifeblood of any business. It’s the thing that keeps your business moving, and the thing you need to acquire in order to take your business to new heights.
However, in today’s tech-focussed society, data is more at risk than ever before. Businesses are carrying around much higher levels of data then they were two decades ago, and as such they are finding themselves more and more at risk of a data breach.
A data breach can cost a business time and money. It can also leave your customers feeling like they can’t trust your organisation to keep their details safe. So clearly, taking care of your data is important, and we’re here today to show you just how important it is.
Here are 4 reasons to protect your data.
Reduce the risk of a data compromise
Once you have a clearer idea of how your business data moves and is used, you can wrap better security controls around it. There are several options here.
Firewall rules will mean data can only be sent to previously approved recipients, and can only be received by approved senders. Network data loss protection policies (DLP) permit data transfers only to known sources. Data encryption will also help ensure that, even if your data is intercepted, it cannot be read without the necessary access information.
And these are just a few examples. There are many other ways to protect your data as it moves.
Increase your compliance to industry standards
Industry standards such as ISO27001 mean that you need to have measures in place to control and monitor your data flow.
This is even more important since the introduction of the GDPR rules in May 2018, which saw much stricter regulations placed on businesses when it comes to collecting and protecting the data of their customers. Having a clear idea of your data — how it moves, where it comes from and what you do with it — means you are far more likely to remain in line with these regulations.
This is hugely important, as failing to meet GDPR rules can lead to significant fines. What’s more, there are no clear guidelines for GDPR as of yet, so it’s best to play it safe.
Lower the risk of data theft by insiders
It can be difficult to keep an eye on the safety of your data when you don’t have a clear idea of how it moves and where it goes. Tracking user data flow in and out of your network can enhance your chances of detecting any potential data thieves within your environment. There are several ways to track this data flow, including user authentication. This makes sure that anyone accessing your data has gained the right to do so.
Deliver peace of mind
If you’re in charge of your company’s cybersecurity, you probably need to report your finding to higher-ups and senior leadership members. Likewise, if you run your business, you will need to be able to comprehend the findings of your IT experts. Both of these situations can be daunting, so it’s important to be 100% sure on how data is being used within the business. To find answers for your organization’s or business security issues, look for reliable advisers like PacGenesis.
Tracking and understanding data movement can give you peace of mind, and it’s easier to do when you have the support of IT experts to fall back on.
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