A woman’s purse is a bag full of her life. If it’s big enough, things can get lost and hangout in there for years before ever being found. The idea of a purse is to carry everything a woman might need in case of an emergency no matter how big or small. Here are 50 things you’re likely to find in a woman’s purse that hasn’t been cleaned out in a while.
- Cell phone- for obvious reasons, a woman always has her cell on her
- Cell phone charger- just in case she needs to post up somewhere, she’s got the means to revive her phone from the dead
- Wallet- there’s always a need for cash or a credit card
- Gum- you can’t go anywhere without having the ability to be minty fresh in seconds
- A ton of change- there’s no time at cash registers to actually put your change in a change purse, so naturally we dump it straight into our giant purse
- A nearly empty change purse- see above explanation
- Sunglasses- for a hung-over morning or a truly sunny day, sunglasses always need to be on hand
- Lip gloss- for the nights you need to pucker up
- Chap stick- for those dry days
- Receipts- you know, just in case you need that receipt for the $2.25 gum you bought last year
- Pens- they get lost in purses very easily, a handy feature of being disorganized
- Old gift cards- good thing you can check indigo gift card balancesthrough websites nowadays
- Hand sanitizer- you never know what or who you’re going to come in contact with
- Deodorant- if you’ve ever left the house without putting deodorant on, you know your day is ruined
- Checkbook- not that checks are too common now, but you always need them for something
- Old move tickets- because why wouldn’t you want proof you went on that date?
- Nail clipper- for beauty emergencies only
- Band aids- because you want to be able to come to the rescue of anyone with a paper cut in the office, obviously
- Safety pins- we’re not sure why they’re in there, but you probably had to hold some dressy outfit up a few weekends ago
- Hair ties- not having a hair tie and being forced to use a rubber band is simply cruel and unusual punishment
- Coupons- you are probably never going to use them but you like to have them just in case you are going to buy a 3 pound turkey in the middle of the summer
- Tampons- you can be someone’s superhero if you carry these
- Hairbrush- Knots are no fun to get out with your fingers
- Keys- you probably even have a set of mystery keys in there somewhere
- Tissues- just in case there’s a sobbing incident or a smudge of makeup
- Socks- yes socks
- Business cards- maybe your own business cards or maybe the cards for someone else
- Utensils- you grabbed the set of plastic utensils the last time you were at chipotle, you know, just in case
- Reading glasses- you have about 100 pairs lying around the house, and 1 in your purse as well
- Headphones- a necessity if you need to commute to work
A woman’s purse is like a secret entrance to Narnia, you have absolutely no idea what you might find. Luckily, most of those things are useful and actually do serve a purpose. Check out your old purses that are sitting in the back of your closet and see what treasure you’ve got buried deep in there. You might even find something that’ll make your day.