3 Simple Art Therapy Exercises to Reduce Anxiety

3 Simple Art Therapy Exercises to Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety is something everyone has experienced at least once in their life. When we are going through some rough time, it is hard not to worry and overthink about the future. Due to anxiety, you may have a hard time to sleep or complete your daily obligations because you are constantly worrying, feeling nervous and stressing about the future. If you are looking for a natural way to relax, unwind and relieve anxiety, art therapy can help you move your attention away from rumination. Here are 3 simple art therapy ideas and exercises that can help you regulate the nervous system and manage your stress and anxiety levels.

  1. Mind-Body Connection

Our mind and body are deeply connected and often influence each other. When you are suffering from anxiety, your brain creates feelings of tension in the body. The enhanced tension in the body can lead to overthinking in the mind. Being trapped in an endless loop of stress and worrying can significantly affect your physical health.

In this exercise, draw the outline of a body with a pencil or a pen. Try reflecting on your physical feelings at the moment and try to determine in which body parts you potentially feel pain, discomfort or tension. Implement this knowledge into the body you have drawn. You can visualize tension in different sections with different colors or whatever way you think it’s right to do it.

  1. 1 Minute Brain Dump

Draw a circle that represents a thought bubble. Inside, write words or draw things that you are currently feeling anxious about. You have only one minute to do it. This shortened time frame will prevent you from rationalizing or minimizing the feeling of anxiety. Just use this exercise to let go of all your worries.


  1. Mind Map Anxiety

In this exercise, you should create a mind map by focusing on one current issue that is causing anxiety all the time. The issue should be in the center, and as a part of the mind map, you should label all the components that contribute to the anxiety. For example, consider adding things that trigger the initial situation, emotional feelings, physical feelings, negative thoughts, and similar.

Through these exercises, the focus is to express yourself visually. Visual expression might be very helpful when you have a hard time to communicate with others and with yourself. Visual expression through art therapy is also less painful and overwhelming than expressing with words. Through art therapy, you will improve your self-esteem and learn how to approach and resolve problems. It will also help you express and process your feelings and set goals vital for emotional growth and development.

About the Author:

Mary Ann Cohen runs MAC Fine Art galleries and she is considered one of the nations most successful and respected art dealers with over 35 years of International visual fine art experience.

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