All we need from a home is a roof over our heads, and a place to go to bed. Well, what happens when that roof starts to fail us? Many people wait until there is a severe problem, such as a leak before considering getting a new roof. There are three tell-tale signs that a roof needs to be replaced.
Most likely, if your house is old, the original roof will have outlived its useful purpose. If the roof has not been replaced since you moved in, check home improvement records to learn when it was installed. It is also helpful to have an idea of what materials were used in its construction. A typical asphalt shingle roof has a lifespan of between 20 and 25 years.
A Light in the Attic
The first place to look to determine if you have a roof problem is inside the attic, not the exterior of the home. When it’s daytime, grab a flashlight, head up there, and look up to the sky.
If you see any beams of light shining through, it is a sign that the roof needs some work. Keep a lookout for the presence of stains, which could mean that there is a leak somewhere.
If you can not see any physical signs of damage, feel around to check for signs of moisture or mold. An article on the website ‘LifeHacker’ also recommends conducting a ventilation calculation to make sure the attic has enough airflow. Moisture in the insulation is also a sign that the decking might be weakened.
Crooked and Cracked Shingles
The shingles on your roof should lie flat and should be free of cracks. Check to see if the edges of the shingles are curled up or cupped. The most visible damage usually occurs in the valleys of the roof. These areas are typically in the flow path of snow-melt and rainwater as it runs into the gutters.
If you start finding granules of shingles in the gutters or around the yard, the roof is probably coming to the end of its life.
Unsightly Rooftop Plants
Have you heard about the new trend in sustainable architecture? It’s called a green-roof. You can read all about them in this New York Times article. People turf a flat roof sometimes or even plant a luscious roof-garden. For those who have one, we applaud you!
Not to burst any bubbles but, the chances are that is not what you were going for when your asphalt roof started growing moss and fungi. These plants tend to grow in the areas of the roof without much sunlight. When the corners of your roof start to turn a greenish color, it means that the roof is beginning to rot.
You may try to clean off the moss, but be careful not to damage any of the shingles in the process. Even once you remove any growth, it is likely to come back if no action is taken to repair the roofing.
A Final Thought
Re-roofing is a considerable project. If the roof of your home is newer than 20 years old, but still is showing signs of damage, you may consider replacing only the affected area of shingles. At, you can find lots of fantastic information about a Roof Tune-up.
Roofing issues are expensive, and repairs can be dangerous to carry out. While you may be tempted to pull out the old ladder, this job is better left to the professionals.
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