There are many advantages offered by a central air conditioning system as opposed to other air conditioning systems. Central air is not only effective, but also efficient when it comes to circulating cool air throughout the house. There is also another major benefit you get with central air that you won’t get with window units and other air conditioning systems: better air quality.
With a central air unit, the air is moved through ducts in each room. Rather than cool just one room at a time, each room can be cooled simultaneously. The air handler pulls in the ambient air through return air ducts. This air is filtered and cleaned of small particles like dust, allergens, pollen and so on. It is then carried right back to the rooms via a separate system of ducts. These systems are very good at cleaning the air, being capable of trapping even the most microscopic of pollutants. You can also upgrade your filters and go for improving the air quality in your home even further.
If these reasons aren’t convincing enough, then you’ll be excited to hear what Raymond Davison from R.A Styron has to say. R.A Styron is the top Virginia Beach HVAC company and they had some interesting benefits of central air. Here are three especially compelling benefits.
You Don’t Have to Deal with Noise
This is one of those things that just gets on everyone’s nerves when it comes to many air conditioning systems. Sure, they get the job done and make a hot summer day cool, but they are so noisy while they’re at it that you begin to wonder if you just weren’t better off sweating after all. With central air, the fan, compressor and condenser are all located outdoors. They aren’t by the window like with a window unit. You, therefore, don’t have to worry about any noise when you’re indoors.
It is Inconspicuous
Speaking of nearly everything being located outdoors, here’s a benefit that really stands out for the owner of a modern home who does not want it sullied by an ugly looking air conditioner. The main working parts of an air conditioner are located outdoors. You won’t even know it’s there most of the time. When you have guests, they won’t be able to tell you have an air conditioning unit from the outside or the inside. It also leaves the inside of your house unaffected. If you like your interiors looking clean and modern, you’ll love having a central air unit.
They are Versatile
This feature is one of the greatest strengths for central air units. They can actually be rigged to work on a reverse cycle. That means they don’t have to just pump out cool air — they can do the same for hot air. Your central air unit will cool you down during the warm summer months and warm you up during the cold winter months. This is a great all-in-one solution to your air problems.
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