You may have tried many different diets in your life but never heard of Ayahyasca Diet. In its simplest definition, Ayahuasca is a brew collected from Amazon rain forest that is a mixture of Cappi (MAOI) and Chacruna (DMT). While it has been used for many different purposes for over 5000 years by healers or shamans, it is most prevalently used in Peru as a spiritual, and antidepressant pill. It comes with a number of benefits.
Here are 3 perfect reasons to go for Ayahuasca:
Ayahuasca Cures Depression
Depression is very hard to cure. Even many modern medicines may not be as effective as Ayahuasca. Just within 2-3 hours of ingestion, an individual can feel better. You need to know how it makes depression care that easy and simple. It simply change the concentration of serotonin which is regarded as the mood-boosting neurotransmitter in human brain. Again, the action of psychoactive chemical, DMT, induce spiritual revelations and experiences.
Ayahuasca Cures Cancer
Cancer is still one of the incurable disease around the world. While Ayahuasca may not be a cure for all kinds of cancers, a good number of Ayahuasca users with cancer felt lot better and healthier after coming from their Ayahuasca retreats from Peru. Scientists and researchers have concluded that Ayahuasca has great potential to fully treat cancer as this Amazon rain frost brew contains darmine and DMT which are positive impacts on some cell cultures used to study cancer. That’s why researchers are still studying different ways this magic ingredient to use in curing cancer.
Ayahuasca Cures PTSD
Many soldiers and war veterans with PTSD got positive results with Ayahuasca after they never got any cure from the modern medicines they took. PTSD patients found new perspective in the life after coming back from an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru. Ayahuasca diet helps PTSD patients clear their mind from bitter experiences, pain and suicidal thought that were holding them back in life.
In a nutshell, brain activation and self-optimization are two most notable Ayahuasca benefits. It can help expand and deepen consciousness. It have various self-healing benefits like initiate psychosomatic and spiritual shifts along with brining changes in habits and physical abilities.
If you are looking to find fresh, new perspectives in your life, cure cancer, depression, or PTSD, going for an Ayahuasca Diet can be a life changing decision for you.
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