We all want to be as productive as possible. Gone are the days wherein we consider it fun when we lie on our beds the whole day. Almost all of us wish not to be lazy and go chase out what we want. After all, doing something that we want is the best definition of being productive. The question still lies: How can we increase our productivity to become the best versions of ourselves?
The situation runs unique with everyone. Some are not able to do what these individuals love. Regardless, that is no excuse to be unproductive. We want to live life with a purpose and with consistent growth. Being productive then is something that would define our worth over the years.
One thing that can improve our productivity is productivity tools. There are a lot of productivity tools that would help us increase our output at our desired pace. The beauty of using tools to increase productivity is that these tools offer some structure. Improve your productivity mechanics using these productivity tools.
The Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro Technique is a productivity tool known as the “tomato timer,” which is a technique that helps you focus. The beauty of the tomato timer is that it allows you to lock in on a single task in your to-do list. When you pair the tomato timer with your to-do list, your productivity will increase ten folds. Knock each task one by one and reach your full potential!
You can set your tomato timer into any time that you like. But, we suggest that you start with around 25 minutes of focus time. The reason why we recommend the 25-minute figure for your tomato timer is that 25 minutes is very achievable. You can lock in on a single task, however complicated it may be, for 25 minutes and then take a quick rest after.
Remember to take rests in between every Pomodoro session to avoid burnout! You want to finish all of the tasks that you have, but you would want to finish it in one piece! Do not push yourself too hard, and give yourself a few breaks. You can set your schedule up in different 25-minute Pomodoro focus blocks with 5-minute rests in between each session.
A Wordcount Tool
The word count tool is a valuable productivity tool for people who do a lot of writing. Writing can be a tedious and lengthy process. Writers can set up their writing routines and separate them into different focus blocks. You can also gauge your progress into a certain number of words. For example, you can aim for a 500-word goal before you take a single break.
This situation is where the word count tool is useful. You can use wordcounttool.com to help track your progress. You will have an idea of how many words you have written along the process. But, if you feel like you have hit a groove, do not be afraid to stretch out a little further! Squeeze those creative writing juices out until that groove runs a little short!
Remember to take breaks when you reach every word count goal. If you have a lot of lengthy writing jobs to do, do not try to do them all in a single sitting. Always remember to avoid burnout. Avoiding burnout is your unique way of taking care of yourself.
Believe it or not, you can use coffee as a productivity tool. Of course, people have been using coffee to stay awake and alert for so long. Remember those long all-nighters that you used to pull off when you were a student? Well, nothing about coffee changed until now. Coffee can boost your productivity by increasing your alertness in a certain period.
You can use coffee as a tool to help you raise your energy levels. After all, caffeine works best if you want a quick jolt of alertness and focus, more so if you need to complete a task before its deadline. The caffeine in coffee works by literally stopping your brain and body from feeling tired. And everyone knows that to finish those large workloads, not feeling tired for an extended period of time can be a lifesaver.
Remember that the best coffee productivity tool is black coffee. Black coffee has a lot of well-known benefits that helps you to be alert and awake. But always remember to check for any health condition and never abuse the power of caffeine!
Remember that you cannot do everything yourself alone. You also cannot switch on from one productivity level to another. Be friendly to yourself and set yourself a bunch of realistic goals and expectations.
You can use these productivity tools to help you knock down each task for your overall growth. Nothing says productivity master than locking into your to-do list and knocking those tasks one by one!
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