Neon lights are among the most underused decorative items, which is a shame. They can be incredibly beautiful when used right. They can bring out the charm of a home, thus making it more unique. Here, you will find some awesome neon flex ideas that will bring out the character of any residence.
One idea is to go for a theme where you line ceiling corners with neon lights. You can do Tron or Cyberpunk, with combinations of blue, red, and purple. Another idea is to get a custom design made into a neon sign that represents you. It can be your name or something that’s a hobby or interest of yours, it can really elevate a space like your office or room to another level, many places online offer this service however to be sure you get the best value for money you should use NeonSignsNow (found online by searching
The last idea is to replace LED lights with white neon alternatives. You can shape them however you, in any size you want. You’ll want to stick to specific areas, though, like the bathroom or dining area. Below are the ideas in detail:
Themed Rooms
Neon lights are perfect for catching attention. That’s why businesses use them to announce that they’re open to serve. When you use them to light up a room, they’ll draw the eyes without fail.
In the case of themed spaces, you can go for either the electronic buzz of Tron, for example. It’s all about different shades of blue spaced out along the corners. You could also go with Cyberpunk, which is a combination of reds, purple, and pink.
You can line the corners of the ceiling or the walls, casting gentle shades of color. This idea is perfect for gaming rooms where you can really bring out the atmosphere. You could also decorate your room in the same fashion.
Put up some awesome posters of the right movies and video games, and you’re good to go. Your room is going to look like an 80s arcade center!
On that note, try to hold back. There is such a thing as beauty in moderation. Can you imagine what a room would look like if every inch of the walls and ceilings are lit up?
It would be quite uncomfortable.
Brightly Infused Personality
Decorating your house is your chance to inject your personality into the place you live. Even if it’s temporary, it would be nice to be surrounded by things that reflect who you are. With neon lights, this is exactly what you can do.
The great thing about neon lights is that they can be shaped into anything. Animals, words, and even faces of famous celebrities. This means that if you want to, you can have neon lights that represent your tastes and passion.
If you like cooking, why not neon signs the shape of knives and forks? You could have catchphrases from your favorite movies. You could even have neon lights that indicate your profession.
Are you a singer? Microphone and a stage. Are you a surgeon? Scalpel and an operating table.
If you’re clever about it, you can craft entire hidden messages using neon lights. Only you or those close to you would know the meaning. It would be the ultimate inside joke.
Neon Replacements
Finally, you could replace traditional lights in your home with neon ones. Now, it’s worth noting that this will not work with every room. Neon can only light up a limited area. As such, it would not be a good idea to use it to illuminate a living room, for example.
Smaller rooms, on the other hand, would be perfectly fine. These include washrooms, bathrooms, walk-in cabinets, or even dining areas. For that last one, it would provide a more atmospheric dining experience.
This idea also banks on the neon lights being pure, bright white. They can’t be anything colorful because this would restrict the amount of light available. White neon light will shine the most and cover the widest area.
As you might expect, this can limit your options, but that’s okay. The basic premise behind this suggestion is not to replace all the lights in every room. Nor is it meant to replace LED or fluorescent lights entirely.
Rather, they are intended to provide a touch of uniqueness to an otherwise ordinary space. Imagine having people over, for a moment. They go into your washroom to freshen up or do their business. They flip the light switch and are greeted by a white neon sign.
Can you picture the pure confusion, wonder, and puzzlement on their faces?
What if they came as a group? What if they are people you are trying to form a connection with? This would be the topic of conversation for a huge part of their visit. You might even set a trend!
Neon lights are not just for use as store signs. They can be a source of inspired interior design trends for some very good reasons. They are expressive, versatile, and colorful. They can take any shape, have any shade of light, and are also safe to use. You can use them to make your home even more personalized and unique, making it truly worth showing off and becoming a hot topic of conversation!
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