10 Signs It’s Time to Visit the Dentist

10 Signs It’s Time to Visit the Dentist

It can be intimidating to visit a dentist, particularly when you suspect that there is a problem that might require a painful or expensive procedure to fix.

Even problems that seem minor may lead to serious problems later on, though.

It’s important to see a dentist if you experience some common issues.

Here are 10 of the top reasons you should visit a dentist as soon as you can.

  1. You Have Bumps or Sores

Some sores in your mouth are harmless and will heal on their own within a short period of time.

However, some bumps and sores located on your tongue, gums, or lining of the mouth might be a sign of infection or disease. If the sores are white or don’t seem to be going away within a few days, it’s time to call your dentist.

  1. Your Teeth Are Shifting or Feel Loose

Over time, it is common for teeth to shift slightly without maintaining alignment and preventing nighttime grinding (such as with a night guard).

But appearance isn’t the only risk you take when allowing loose or shifting teeth to keep getting worse. You may be at risk of losing a tooth when it’s loose, and widening gaps may indicate bone loss.

Shifting teeth can be a sign of grinding that may lead to jaw problems down the road, so be sure to have your dentist check it out regularly.

  1. You Bleed After Flossing or Brushing

Unfortunately, bleeding after you brush or floss your teeth isn’t quite as harmless as you might think.

It’s often a sign of a gum disease called periodontitis, which can have a number of causes.

Gum disease may not cause you much discomfort at first, but without immediate treatment, it can cause long-term problems and tooth loss.

  1. You Have a Toothache

As uncomfortable as a toothache might be, you should see a dentist as soon as you can after the pain begins.


Tooth pain or difficulty eating can have a number of causes that become more serious the longer you wait to address the problem, such as when a tooth is broken, abscessed, or infected. Chapel Hill Dentist provides preventive, general, and cosmetic dentistry & family Dentistry services in a relaxed and welcoming setting with latest dental techniques to patients of all ages.

  1. Your Gums Are Sore or Swollen

If you’ve noticed your gums are receding or that they’re swollen or sore, it’s important not to ignore this issue.

While a certain amount of gum recession is normal as we age, it’s still important to have a dentist regularly check your gums to make sure there isn’t a problematic cause.

  1. You Have Jaw Pain

Jaw pain can be a sign that you’re grinding your teeth, whether it’s due to stress during the day or when you’re completely unaware of it at night.

This condition is called bruxism and is surprisingly common. Luckily, there are ways to relieve the jaw pain, headaches, or clicking when you chew that are symptoms of a resulting condition called TMJ (temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder).

See your dentist to find out if certain exercises or a day or night guard might be helpful for you.

  1. Your Mouth Is Always Dry

Saliva is crucial for your mouth to naturally maintain its health because it reduces acid buildup by constantly rinsing away food and sugars throughout the day.

Having chronic dry mouth puts you at risk for developing issues with your teeth and gums, and might even be a symptom of an illness.

See a dentist to figure out the cause and how you can treat it.

  1. Your Teeth Feel Sensitive to Hot and Cold

Having sensitive teeth isn’t always an indication of a problem, and dentists typically just recommend toothpaste formulated to treat it. Some people just have sensitive teeth.

If you’re experiencing sensitivity that isn’t normal for you or has happened all of a sudden, see a dentist right away.

  1. You Always Have Bad Breath

It’s not just embarrassing: bad breath can be a symptom of a serious medical issue that you’ll want to address right away.

Although the issue may not ultimately be oral, your dentist is the first person you’ll want to see for advice.

  1. You’ve Experienced an Impact to the Head

Even if you don’t think you’ve been injured, any impact to the head has the potential to harm your teeth and jaw.

An impact doesn’t have to be major to cause problems you may not notice right away, so it’s best to visit your dentist as soon as possible for an exam.

Dental implants, also known as tooth implants, act as substitutes for missing teeth. If you are wondering how much is a tooth implant price in Singapore, it ranges from $2,500 to $6,000 per dental implants


Very few people look forward to visiting the dentist, and many of us actually avoid it even when we experience a problem.

However, regular visits to the dentist and making an appointment immediately when there’s a cause for concern is the best way to avoid serious dental problems that can be more difficult to treat the longer they are ignored.

If you’re experiencing any of these or other issues, see a dentist as soon as possible.