Muscle and joint pain, headache and circulation problems; did you know that these and other disorders can be linked to poor posture? Keeping the spine well aligned means protecting the health of the whole body.
A good position, standing or sitting, favors the well-being of the body and makes us more open to the world around us. Here are 10 reasons to always maintain a correct posture.
Breathe better
Being aware of your posture, especially when sitting, in order to improve it, contributes to easier and more open breathing. Breathing is an involuntary act, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved upon. When we sit correctly, with the back straight, the brain receives more oxygen (an increase of about 20%). Increasing the oxygen supply helps improve creativity.
Open the heart
While doing yoga and meditation, sit in positions where the back is perfectly straight. With the correct posture, the heart is more open. The muscles and ribs are not folded inwards which promotes good feelings. Along the spine, at the level of the heart, is Anahata, the chakra linked to empathy, love for others, forgiveness and compassion. Improving the posture of the spine allows you to receive the benefits related to the correct functioning of the heart chakra, which results in greater openness to others.
Eliminate back pain
Back pain is often caused by poor posture. One of the most common problems concerns the unbalanced distribution of weight between the two sides of the body. Sitting with your back straight and maintaining a balanced posture throughout the day helps relieve and prevent back pain and many of its related ailments.
Increase self-esteem
Sitting and walking with your back straight improves self-esteem and self-awareness. It offers a broader view of the world around us and allows us to focus on the objects and people around us. When we have a more open perspective on the world, our senses sharpen and work better.
Improve circulation
Some circulation problems could be caused by poor posture. Being aware of your position is the most effective way to improve blood circulation. If the back is curved, some blood vessels may be in a constricted position. By adjusting the posture, their opening is promoted and the flow of blood in the body is improved.
Decrease muscle fatigue
Spending a lot of time in the wrong position can fatigue your muscles and cause pain. Maintaining a correct posture means training the muscles to counteract the action of gravity, in the most ergonomic way possible. If the posture is incorrect, the muscles will tire and the tension will cause pain. Yoga is an excellent solution to loosen muscle contractures and improve the situation.
Extend the movements
Sometimes poor posture can lead to permanent lengthening or shortening of muscle groups. For example, if you stay bent over your desk all day, your stomach muscles are compressed and their mobility is at the risk of being compromised. Practicing stretching will allow you to make wider and more extended movements.
Relieve headaches
At first glance, the two problems may appear very distant. The truth is that poor posture can cause headaches, particularly the pain caused by muscle tension in the neck, shoulders and back. Maintaining good sitting posture reduces the appearance of the disorder.
Reduce injuries
Sometimes injuries can be caused by poor posture. We are referring above all to sportsmen or those who train in a gym. Performing exercises while maintaining poor posture can be harmful to the muscles, causing pain and tension. It is therefore always good to check the alignment of the spine even during the sports.
Prevent joint pain
Over time, poor posture can lead to joint problems. Osteoarthritis, for example, can be caused by improper alignment of the bones in the body. When this happens, the ligaments and tendons are strained, as well as the joints themselves. Those who manage to maintain correct posture from an early age reduce the risk of joint problems in adulthood.
If you’re looking for a posture correction product, then you need to invest in BetterBack. This product will allow you to sit in the correct posture thereby decreasing back pain. Read this comprehensive BetterBack review to make an informed purchase.
Tips to avoid postural pain:
- If you are forced to stand for a long time, do not stay upright always in the same place but move or lean your pelvis or back against a shelf or a wall or widen the support base by standing at ease.
- If you spend your day at your desk, you should make your back and shoulders stick to the backrest of the chair or sit on a stool. In this way, you will be led to stretch upwards.
- In the morning as soon as you wake up and are still in bed, bend your knees and bring them to your chest and stay like that for a few minutes. Then, turn onto your side and place your feet on the ground one at a time.
- Don’t lift weights in one jerk. Rather bring your pelvis back, keep your back straight and your weight as close to your body as possible to reduce the load on your lower back.
- In the car, the seat must then be sufficiently erect to allow you to keep your arms folded and your hands resting on the top of the steering wheel. Take some breaks if you drive for several hours.
Assuming an incorrect posture is a mistake that practically everyone makes and from there to a perennial back pain it takes a moment. In the presence of severe back pain, you can rely on a physiotherapist, an osteopathy or even take some yoga classes.
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