Habits of The Most Time-Efficient People

Habits of The Most Time-Efficient People

We’ve all known people who act like machines. They complete tasks much faster than everyone else in the office. They’re always ready to leave early at the end of the day and miles in front of their colleagues. All without affecting their performance, energy levels, or the quality of their work. If we try to work at the same speed, we make mistakes, forget to do things, or exhaust ourselves.

But, as much as these people might appear to be, they aren’t machines. They are just more time-efficient than the rest of us. The good news is, while for some people, this kind of efficiency comes naturally, it can be learned. We can all improve our efficiency, take more control of our time, manage our days more effectively, and get more done. It might just take a little practice. Here’s a look at some of the habits of the most time-efficient people to help you.

They Recognize the Dangers of Smartphones

Smartphone addiction is a very real problem. Most of us find that we need our phones. We feel anxious without them, and if we don’t check notifications or look at social media regularly, we worry that we’ll miss out on something. The most time-efficient people recognize that their smartphone limits their productivity and can stop them from working at their best.

When trying to be productive, some people will cut themselves off completely, leaving their smartphones at home or in a different room. But this isn’t always possible, as many of us need our devices for work, and social media websites accessed on laptops can be just as distracting. Using apps to block distracting sites and set work goals can be much more beneficial. This post explains more about how to be productive.

They Don’t Multitask

For most of us, multitasking can seem like the best way to get more done with our time. But, often, this actually means that we’re not giving anything our full focus and that we’re more likely to make mistakes that need correcting, or complete projects that need to be redone, and so take more time.

The most time-efficient people don’t multitask. Instead, they focus entirely on one job at a time, even if it’s relatively simple. Doing things well the first time is much faster than having to go back and correct mistakes or start again.

Time-Efficient People are List Makers

Whether on paper or in an app, lists are the simplest and often most effective tool to help you manage your time. Making a list of everything you need to do, either in order of priority or chronologically, allows you to manage your time and stay focused. You can also use lists to assign time limits, order your day and even schedule breaks to rest and refuel.

They Make Health and Fitness a Priority

The most productive people know that they’ll never get more done by spending all their time working or in the office. They know that to perform at their best, they need to take care of their bodies and minds.

Eating healthily can boost your mood and energy levels, helping you to stay focused and alert when you’ve got things to do. Sleeping well means that you can concentrate for longer periods and work faster without any mental fatigue, and exercise can boost stamina and increase energy and concentration.

Time-Efficient People Eat Their Frogs Early

Mark Twain once said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” This means that if there’s something that you are worried about, that you don’t want to do, or that you think will be difficult, you should do it first, getting it out of the way, reducing stress and anxiety and helping you to get on with the rest of the day without any negativity holding you back.

They Reduce Decisions

To get more done, highly productive people don’t waste time or brainpower, making decisions that don’t matter. They prepare lunches, they rotate clothes, and instead of spending time debating with themselves before making a purchase, they just do it, or don’t do it, straight away and then forget about it. They only spend time thinking about decisions that matter and that will make a difference in the long-term.

Time-Efficient People are Great at Saying No

People that manage their time well only manage their time. They don’t say yes to everything, adding tasks to their to-do list, unless they have time or benefit them. Get better at saying no, and you’ll have more time to focus on your tasks and make fewer decisions.

The best news is, being more efficient with your time won’t just help you in your work life. It can also help you at home. Suddenly, stressful times like preparing for Christmas are a breeze, and you’ve got plenty of free time to enjoy doing the things that you love.